Category Books & Resources

Post about books and other resources to help in your Charlotte Mason method homeschool. Also information about our own SCM books.

Preparing for a Homeschool Convention

I well remember the first homeschool convention I attended. I was very excited to gain the insights and tips from the workshops I had selected from the brochure’s schedule. I was eager to listen to veteran homeschoolers, get some encouragement,…

Using Living Books Effectively

Today is grocery day at our house. And you can be sure that after last time’s post, I’m going to be picky in the produce section. But you know, bringing home that delightful food is just the first step. It’s…

Choosing Books Like a Connoisseur

It’s rather entertaining to watch shoppers in the produce section. Some approach a fruit stand with fear and trepidation. They know they’re supposed to be picky about which mangos they buy, but they haven’t the foggiest idea how to tell…

Outdoor Secrets Nature Stories

“Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there stood in a large orchard a beautiful Apple-Tree. All through the long winter it had held out bare branches. The March sun whispered to it that spring had come. But…

The Swedish Drill Teacher

After our previous post, many of you contacted us to find out where you might be able to get a copy of the book we mentioned: The Swedish Drill Teacher by M. H. Spalding. Originally published in 1910, this book…

All-Day CM Seminar Now on DVD

That’s right! We are pleased to announce that the All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminar is now available on DVD. We’ve had so many requests to record this seminar and have been working on it for many months. It’s exciting to have…

2009 Calendar Now Available

We hope you’ve enjoyed the habit-training articles from the past few weeks. They are just a sampling of the thirteen articles and more than fifty Charlotte Mason quotes included in our new 2009 calendar journal, A Year of Smooth and…

Habits Workshop Now on DVD!

I recently got a new printer for my computer, and as I was unpacking it I came upon a huge stack of user documents. My heart sank. The amount of information was a bit overwhelming. It was all helpful, to…

SCM Book News

The past few months have brought about some changes for our SCM books. We think they’re good changes! Here are the details for you.

Habits Book Discussion Tips

We know of several groups that are using Laying Down the Rails for their weekly or monthly book discussions this coming year. How exciting! I wish I could be a part of each group and hear all the comments. It…

Jack’s Insects

Several years ago I heard about an intriguing living science book that Charlotte Mason had used in her schools. The book was called Jack’s Insects, and I looked everywhere for it. I couldn’t find it anywhere — online or off.…

CM Seminars in Nashville & Charleston

I love doing the All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminars! It’s so much fun to meet other CMers and spend the day discussing how practical and do-able the Charlotte Mason method really is. So what is an All-Day CM Seminar like? Glad…