Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

The CM Bookfinder Is Here!

“Does anyone know of a living book about beavers?” “Could someone recommend a book for my eighth grader on Johannes Kepler?” “I’m looking for good biographies of composers that would be written for younger children around first or second grade.”…

Workshops in Tennessee

Just a quick note to let you know that Sonya will be presenting two workshops at the MTHEA’s Workshop Weekend on August 11 and 12 in Madison, Tennessee. She’ll be giving an overview workshop: “Charlotte Mason and Her Method.” And…

Back to Basics

During a recent interview, I (Sonya) was asked, “If someone wanted to homeschool, how would they begin?” I thought, “Good question! How did I begin those many years ago?” A little later, the interviewer asked, “Why did you choose to…

Spelling Wisdom Now Available

Well, we’ve been holed up in the office for several weeks, but we’re pleased to announce that the dictation books we’ve been talking about and working on are complete! They’re called “Spelling Wisdom.” We thought that was a fitting title…

Confident Dictation Update

Just a quick note to let you know that we’re moving full-steam-ahead on the dictation books. We have five books in the works that cover 12,500 spelling words, including 6,000 of the most-frequently-used words in the English language. Each book…

Corner Bookmarks

What does every avid book reader need? (OK, besides more shelf space …) Bookmarks! And of course, what could be better to a CMer than bookmarks with Charlotte Mason sayings on them? We’re happy to announce our latest Time Saver:…


In true homeschool fashion, our children have taught themselves a lot about the Internet these past few months. As we have been building our site, they have been building a site of their own. And in true Charlotte Mason fashion,…

Happy New Year!

We’re excited as we look to the year ahead! We have many hopes and plans of what we want to add to Simply Charlotte Mason in the upcoming months. Here’s a short list: More free downloads A suggested curriculum guide…

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from all of us at Simply Charlotte Mason! May this season be filled with joy, peace, and lots of great books!

Confident Dictation

We love Charlotte’s concept of using prepared dictation to teach spelling, but at the same time it’s hard to let go of the security of those most-frequently-used word lists. So here’s an idea we’re working on: combine the two into…

New Copywork

Hello, all! Just a quick note and a tip today. First, the note: We’ve added more manuscript copywork. The eight new files offer two more hymns, four more poems (including a delightful Thanksgiving poem), and two more Scripture passages. Help…

A Fresh Look

It’s fall. I (Sonya) just gave my front porch a fresh look with a straw wreath and a bushel basket full of leaves, apples, and a pumpkin. Since it’s fall, it’s also time for a fresh look at our project…

Memory Verses List

We’re thrilled with your response to the Scripture Memory System instructions posted on our Web site! Hundreds of people have visited that page recently. And some of you have sent e-mail to let us know how it’s encouraging you: “I…

Charlotte Who?

It’s happened often — probably to you too. You’re introduced by a mutual friend to another homeschooler, who smiles and asks, “What curriculum do you use?” “We don’t use a set curriculum really,” we respond. “We use the Charlotte Mason…