Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

The Art of Narrating

Welcome to this Narration edition of the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival. We’re happy to be hosting the carnival this week. As you know, narration is a fundamental part of the Charlotte Mason method. We’re sure you will find a lot…

Next CM Blog Carnival on Narration

We’re excited about hosting the next CM Blog Carnival on September 16. (A blog carnival is an event where bloggers all write posts about a topic, which are collected and linked to on the hosting blog.) The theme for this…

Habits Book Discussion Tips

We know of several groups that are using Laying Down the Rails for their weekly or monthly book discussions this coming year. How exciting! I wish I could be a part of each group and hear all the comments. It…

CM Blog Carnival on Habits

This week’s Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival contains a lot of encouragement and ideas on habit training. Be sure to check it out over at Barb-Harmony Art Mom’s Handbook of Nature Study blog.

This Year’s Feast

Picture a banquet, a feast, lavishly spread on a long table. Now, keep that picture in your mind, for that is how Charlotte Mason described the abundance of ideas that we should make available to our children in their school…

Jack’s Insects

Several years ago I heard about an intriguing living science book that Charlotte Mason had used in her schools. The book was called Jack’s Insects, and I looked everywhere for it. I couldn’t find it anywhere — online or off.…

Planning Bash at the CM Blog Carnival

Be sure to check out the biggest CM Blog Carnival yet! Cindy is hosting the Back to School Planning Bash over at On Our Journey Westward. She has posted more than forty entries from CMers, sharing ideas for Daily Schedules…

CM Seminars in Nashville & Charleston

I love doing the All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminars! It’s so much fun to meet other CMers and spend the day discussing how practical and do-able the Charlotte Mason method really is. So what is an All-Day CM Seminar like? Glad…

Pre-reading Reviews

The past few weeks we’ve been discussing Charlotte Mason methods for assessing what our children remember. Last time we looked briefly at narration. Now, those of you who have already read it, no peeking. What do you recall about narration?…

The Charlotte Mason Method of Narration

Last week we started a new series discussing the Charlotte Mason methods we can use to evaluate, or assess, what our children are learning. If you missed that introduction, you can read it on our SCM Blog. Today let’s talk…

How Much Does My Child Remember?

As we wrap up a school year and plan for the next one, the question lurks in the back of our minds: How much does my child remember? Some assessments are built right in to the subject, like math and…

A CM Planning Getaway

Do you feel like a cloud is hanging over your head this summer? I don’t mean a typical rain cloud; I mean a cloud called “Planning.” Sometimes that planning cloud casts a little shadow over all our activities. We know…

SCM at the NICHE Conference

We are in Iowa this week getting ready for the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators’ conference Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7, in Des Moines. You can find the details on the NICHE site. Sonya will present a…