Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Homeschool Education Knowledge Growth

How to Dish Up Knowledge

Children need food to grow. Nutritionists tell us that the best way to feed our children for physical growth is to regularly provide good portions of a variety of healthful foods several times a day. Charlotte Mason believed that the…

Charlotte Mason Success with Boys

Happy Results: Amanda L.’s CM Methods Story

Maybe you are new to Charlotte Mason’s methods and are on the fence about whether to use them in your home school. Or perhaps you aren’t sure that CM methods would work with your boys. Well, take some encouragement from…

Shakespeare encouragement

Happy Results: Michelle F.’s Shakespeare Story

Charlotte Mason was sure that even young students could enjoy Shakespeare. She reported, “Their power to understand, visualise, and ‘tell’ a play of Shakespeare from nine years old and onwards is very surprising” (Vol. 6, p. 182). Michelle F. recently…

Stuff They Left Behind charlotte mason history

More of The Stuff They Left Behind

There’s something about looking closely and carefully at a historical object that makes that era become more real in your mind. Taking your time to observe in detail the treasures that people of the past created seems to help you…

Visits to Asia charlotte mason geography

Visits to Asia Now Available

We are thrilled to announce that the much-anticipated Visits to Asia geography notebook is now available! This gentle weekly study walks you through an exploration of the countries of Asia with captivating photography, a traveler’s firsthand accounts, delightful living books,…

Charlotte Mason Picture Study Success

Happy Results: Melissa S.’s Picture Study Story

I recently read this wonderful reminder of what it is we are endeavoring to do when we give our children a Charlotte Mason education: I desire my children to form relations with what they study—not to know meagerly “about” something…