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Life in the Word (Bible Study Curriculum)
$11.95 – $16.95
Give your teens the tools they need to study the Bible. Students will learn inductive Bible study and how to do a word study, a topical study, a book study, a character study, a narrative study, and more in this Bible study curriculum for grades 7–12. See full description
Product Description
Learn to study the Bible accurately and effectively—for life!
As your student completes the studies in this book, he will develop the essential Bible study skills he needs to understand God’s Word.
Using the step-by-step guidelines given in these studies, your student will be able to
- become familiar with any book of the Bible,
- discover what the words in the Bible mean and what God has to say about them,
- glean all that the Bible says about a selected topic,
- collect and organize doctrinal truths that will keep your student grounded in his faith,
- make Biblical accounts come alive in his mind,
- get to know Bible characters as real people,
- combine several study methods to dig deeper into a Bible passage,
- handle God’s Word accurately and effectively.
You can use this study in conjunction with Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles or as an independent Bible study any time.
The In the Word series
Three books that progress in difficulty to equip your student to study the Bible independently—for life!
The studies in Life in the Word are from James, Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians.
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These links and tips that correspond to Life in the Word may be helpful to you. Use them to enhance your study.
8 reviews for Life in the Word (Bible Study Curriculum)
If you have a question, contact us and we will be happy to help.
Coral –
Can you tell me how many lessons are in this bible study?
Sonya Shafer –
Life in the Word contains 11 Bible studies that are each divided into shorter lessons. Here’s a breakdown:
Book Study of James – 5 lessons
Word Study on Faith -2 lessons
Topical Study on Freedom – 3 lessons
Doctrine Study – 1 lesson
Narrative Study of Acts 17 – 2 lessons
Book Study of 2 Thessalonians – 4 lessons
Character Study on Paul – 5 lessons
Narrative Study of Acts 18 – 2 lessons
Topical Study on Weakness – 3 lessons
Inductive Study of 2 Corinthians 4 – 4 lessons
Character Study on Titus – 2 lessons
That makes a total of 33 lessons (if I added correctly). I like to allow a week per lesson and spread it out over the whole school year, but you could easily accomplish it in a shorter time frame.
SarahCPA –
Do you recommend this to adults who are new to Bible study? Or would you recommend something different?
Sonya Shafer –
Hi, Sarah. Yes, I would recommend Life in the Word as a helpful resource for adults who are new to Bible study.
Debra G –
How much credit could I give to high school student for this course?
Sonya Shafer –
Hi, Debra. Credits are somewhat elusive critters because they can be based on the amount of content completed, mastery of the content, and hours spent working on the content. So take my opinion as just that, an opinion. In my mind, I would award one-half credit in Bible for completing this study.
Debra G –
Thank you.
Heidi –
Hi Sonya,
It appears that this study lines up very nicely with the assigned family Bible readings in the Middle Ages handbook. Do you think you will you be offering additional Bible study books to coincide with the other handbooks?
Thanks so much!
Doug Smith –
Yes, we have Bible studies to go with all of the history handbooks. If you look at the page for each history handbook there should be a list of additional recommended resources with links to the corresponding Bible studies.
Karleen Mauldin –
Just downloaded “Life in the Word.” Could we do these chapters in any order?
Sonya Shafer –
Karleen, the lessons in Life in the Word are sequenced with two thoughts in mind. First, they go in the same order as the Bible books being studied with the GOAL Bible Study. So the family could be doing GOAL and the older student could be doing Life in the Word, and the two studies would synch. If you’re not doing the GOAL study along with it, that won’t matter.
Second, I tried to hold the student’s hand more in the first half of Life in the Word lessons. So the first time a particular type of study is done in the book, it has much more instruction to help the student learn how to do that type of study. Then that type is given again later in the book with less hand-holding to give the student more practice in doing that type of study. So you may want to do the first “mention” of a study before doing the second, but other than that, you could skip around the different types.
Does that help or just muddle things up more?
Karleen Mauldin –
Thanks, Sonya, that helps a lot! I really should’ve known that the lessons do have a flow and a progression, as we’ve done one other of the SCM Bible Studies (“Jesus is Better”).
gbrussell –
I ordered this for my older two to do alongside the History guide. I know it will depend, but for the purposes of planning, how many extra days(or how much time) outside of the family Bible work will I need to allow for them to complete the study at 1 lesson per week?
Sonya Shafer –
My 16yo just completed Life in the Word, so I asked her what her experience had been. She estimates that she spent probably an average of 30 minutes on each lesson — some shorter, some stretched out to 60 minutes. It depended on what all was involved in the lesson. She also mentioned that the length might vary depending on whether you are using an online tool or a printed book for the research. She used an online tool that made all the “looking up” go faster.
Heidi –
What does the “doctrine study” entail? I am curious because I am not Protestant, and know you are from a Protestant background. Thank you! I love all the products we have gotten from you so far!
Jordan Smith –
All of our Bible study resources are written to the student and we’ve written the questions so that student finds the answers in Scripture on his own—we don’t tell the student what to think. For the doctrine study section of Life in the Word, the student reads Galatians 3 and 4, then records what he finds in the passage for ten areas of doctrine.
Lori –
What I appreciate most is the study teaches students HOW to study the Bible. Lessons learned can be applied to any part of the Bible. Highly recommend.