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GOAL Bible Study Journal
$9.95 – $14.95
This book is out of print. A GOAL study has been incorporated into Growth in the Word.
Product Description
Great for family devotions or individual Bible study!
The GOAL Bible Study Journal is a simple yet powerful tool to help nudge you toward the GOAL of being a doer of the Word, not just a hearer (James 1:22).
Each week you and your family will study a chapter of the Bible and determine to
Grasp this promise
Obey this command
Avoid this sin
Live this principle
Every day of the week you will review the promises, commands, sins, and principles that you discovered and, together, press toward the life-changing goal of doing God’s Word.
At the end of the week, you will be reminded to give God the praise for how His Word was put into practice in your lives.
Includes a summary of each epistle studied (James; Galatians; 1, 2 Thessalonians; 1, 2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; Philemon; 1, 2 Timothy; Titus; 1, 2 Peter; Jude; 1, 2, 3 John), along with time line dates and suggested Scripture memory passages.
Use in conjunction with Middle Ages,Renaissance & Reformation, Early Modern & Epistles, and Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation or as a stand-alone Bible study any time.
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These links and tips that correspond to GOAL Bible Study Journal may be helpful to you. Use them to enhance your study.
14 reviews for GOAL Bible Study Journal
If you have a question, contact us and we will be happy to help.
Stephanie Updike –
I’d like to check out the GOAL book. I’ve been having trouble finding a bible study program for my 5 year old that inspires her to think instaed of me doing the work and explaining it to her. I want to give her something to chew on.
Erin –
Did you try it? I’m looking for something for my 5 year old and was wondering how it went for you.
Tabitha –
My 9-year-old has been resistant because of the writing and thinking involved. (obviously a non-issue for a 5 year old since you will probably write for her) We recently solved that problem with little post it flags. I wrote on 4 different colors and now she flags notes. I guess it separated the thinking and the processing enough for her to do it or appealed to her hands on learning style.
You might try the free sample lesson to see if it’s too much for now. I just thought I’d share the flags if he/she is reading.
Stacy –
I would be interested in the GOAL Bible Study Journal. I choose this one because my children are still quite young, and not old enough for the other studies offered. Plus, all of my family members, including self, need to put into practice what the GOAL study teaches.
Thank you.
Sandra –
Thank you for publishing such a Bible Study Journal. I have been searching for what I could use with all three ages of my children and this one would be perfect. Then we could move on to the other studies you have listed when they reach those grades. I am especially happy to find resources using the Charlotte Mason Method. Thanks!
Renee –
This is exciting for me as I have been wondering what was the best way of guiding my eldest child through thoughtful bible studies on her own. We are soon to begin the Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation & Epistles module, so this is great timing. Thank you SCM for all you do.
Elizabeth G. –
This website has “reformed” me into a CM home educator. I am still in the grammar stage of learning the methods, but am excited to begin implementing what I know. I struggle with Bible consistency myself and want my children to be not just hearers, but doers of the word. This Bible study will be a blessing to myself and two boys…not to mention when we are refreshed by God’s word how blessed my husband will be too!
Jan K. –
I’m new to the CM approach but feel that it is the best method for my child. He is a hands on type learner, very active boy that gets bored easily. He is 9 years old and I think the Goal bible study would be awesome for us as a family. My husband will see how this method works well for our son too!
Kimberly –
A question for Sonya,
I’m thinking of getting the ebook of the GOAL Journal. The size is smaller than a typical sheet of paper (8.5x 11). How will it print? Two pages to an 8.5×11 sheet? Or one page with a lot of extra margin?
Jordan Smith –
How the book prints will depend on your print settings. You may be able to set up your printer to print two pages of the GOAL Journal per page. You would likely need to check the Layout settings when you go to print it.
Laura –
I am currently doing this study with my 6, 8, 10, 13, and 14 year olds. Personally I am finding it very rich. I love the discussion it brings up. My younger children are having a hard time figuring out how to categorize each verse, but we are just in Galatians so I expect they will get the hang of it as we go along. My 6 yo (strong reader) is just reading the same chapter we are studying, but not writing anything down yet. We all work on it for about 30-45 min. for our quiet times, then we discuss and help the younger ones sort it out a little at a time. There is always a question from one of us that leads to a very rich discussion. I am so thankful that you offer these as a super easy way to do Bible study together and I wanted to leave feedback for any other moms who were considering this. It is really good, even if the youngest ones don’t get all the meat, they are still getting fed from the Word.
Caroline –
Ladies with the five year olds, read a bit more about CM’s philosophy of giving the children “a full six free years” before making them do “work”. They will be averse to this method as it is more suitable for older minds. It could end up chasing them away from Bible studies and any other kinds of studies too!! Allow them freedom. Read Bible stories from age-appropriate living books to them, and allow them to tell the stories to you and their siblings! The time will come later for the use of these wonderful books that are available here. Remember, they are children. They grasp the Bible truths with their enquiring minds, and will ask you questions you had not thought of yourself. Prepare to be challenged by their amazing thoughts!
“In this time of extraordinary pressure, educational and social, perhaps a mother’s first duty to her children is to secure for them a quiet growing time, a full six years of passive receptive life, the waking part of it spent for the most part out in the fresh air (Vol. 1, p. 43). Take your bible studies outside and admire the beauty of all He has created around you – make them aware of it too!
mom –
How are your printed books binded? Are they able to be copied for binders? I am really looking forward to using these these resources!! Do you have any tips for materials to buy…for Module 4? Do I need binders or can we work right out of the books? I am thinking spexifically of this GOAL book, Book of Centuries and the Bible study book.
Thanks so much!
Sonya Shafer –
The GOAL Bible Study Journal is perfect bound, like a paperback or hardback book. My Book of Centuries and Life in the Word are both spiral bound. All are designed for you to write right in the books.
If you would prefer putting them in binders, you could get the e-book versions. Those come as .pdf files that you can print from your computer. You could then three-hold punch the pages and put them in binders if desired.
2blessed2Bstressed –
Hi there! I’m wondering if the book of Revelation is included in this? I know that is part of Module 6/Bible.
Jordan Smith –
The book of Revelation is not covered in the GOAL Bible Study Journal. You can find list of the Bible books covered in the table of contents in the free sample. We have another Bible study that covers Revelation on its own.
Binky –
I will be doing Module 5 with my children this year. Do I need a GOAL Journal for each of them? My older children are 15 and 12 and then I have younger children 10, 9, and 6 who are not strong enough readers to read on their own. I thought I would read, discuss and write for them altogether. Could I just purchase one e-book and print out one for each of them?
Thank you! I am really looking forward to using your products this year!
Sonya Shafer –
Binky, you would need only one GOAL Journal for the family. It’s designed for you to read the Scripture together and discuss your findings together, then assign someone to be the “scribe” and record all your findings in the book. If you want to have your older children complete the journal on their own, you could print a copy for each. But if you’re doing it all together as a family, there’s no need for multiple copies.
Binky –
Alright, thanks so much!
kellyk –
We are planning on studying ‘Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt’ my children are aged 10,8 & 6. My question is do we need to add in a bible study as well, such as GOAL?
Thank you 😀
Sonya Shafer –
Much of your study in Genesis through Deuteronomy will be reading and narrating the accounts in those books of the Bible. If you add in the children’s commentary and character studies outlined in the lesson plans, I wouldn’t think you would need to add another Bible study for the year.
mvrabely –
I see that this book is no longer included in the new, revised Middle Ages…, Early Modern and Modern lesson plans. We used it this year for Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, and it was such a wonderful tool for studying the Epistles! I am wondering, why did you decide to change the Bible study for the new lesson plans? And should we just continue using the Goal Bible Study book for the next two years, or should we use what is included in the new lesson plans which we will be purchasing?
Sonya Shafer –
I’m so glad you are enjoying the GOAL study. We switched it because the three-year project was a bit confusing and awkward for those who wanted to start with Early Modern or with Modern Times. One of the goals of the second editions was to keep each year’s study “self-contained,” so it would be simpler for people to start with any time period.
You could continue the GOAL study instead of the Family Bible lessons written into the new guides if you would like to. Keep in mind that Hebrews and Revelation are not included in the GOAL book, so you can use the Family Bible lessons for those when you get to them in the Early Modern and Modern Times plans. With all the other Bible lessons, you will have the option of using whichever fits your family best.