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Getting Started in Homeschooling (free e-book)
A free e-book that helps you determine which approach to homeschooling will fit you and your family best, plus lots of practical tips for fostering a love of learning in your home. See full description
Product Description
You have choices!
Homeschooling does not have to look just like a school classroom at home. When you’re getting started in homeschooling, one of the most important things to do is determine which approach will work best for your family. Then you can customize your home school by choosing the methods and materials for your family and lifestyle. You have choices!
In this free e-book, you will learn
- The difference between the five main homeschool approaches.
- How to choose the approach that will help your children flourish.
- How to create a rich, comprehensive, and engaging education for your children.
- How to save time by teaching all your children together.
- How to begin homeschooling with confidence.
This free e-book is our gift to you. We hope it helps you as you begin your homeschool journey.
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10 reviews for Getting Started in Homeschooling (free e-book)
If you have a question, contact us and we will be happy to help.
Robin –
Lovely! It took me 14 years of homeschooling to finally figure out that homeschooling didn’t have to look like public school at home. I appreciate all the attributes included in this book, especially the chart, outlining methods used for various subjects. What a wonderful resource! I can’t wait to tell everyone about it on our Facebook fan page.
Thank you!
Doris –
Thank you so much for putting this book together.
I am very intrigued by the CM method of homeschooling and need to work very hard at letting go of my baggage. I need to do short lessons with the children and incorporate more subjects during the day.
Thanks for explaining things so basically and providing simple examples of how to implement it.
Susan –
We are entering our 8th year of homeschooling and our first year using CM methods. I have to say that this book provided some much needed information on the “how” of using CM that was hard to find elsewhere.
I appreciate the explanations and great information. Thank you!
Deb –
I have been helped so much by your website. I have been using the Charlotte Mason method for two years and whenever I come to this site, I get a sense of peace and direction. I don’t know how else to explain it and I appreciate all you do and offer. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
Rebecca –
Thank you for the free resource. I have been reading a lot about Charlotte Mason and I really want to do it. I am just beginning to get my footing in the whole homeschooling lifestyle and I really appreciate the simple, calm and gently encouraging site.
Shellie –
Many thanks for this practical guide. I am sold on Charlotte Mason’s philosophy, but there is so much to read and learn about how to implement her teaching methods. This book is just what I needed to help me get started. I am very grateful for the resources that you offer on this site.
Liz –
I have read a few other books about the CM method and had forgotten. I started homeschooling for real this year and took up phonics and the like, just to meet frustration. I taught my daughter to read but we were just not connecting. I have practiced many CM methods inadvertently but I always thought it wasn’t “real” school. This book reminded me of and validated what I know to be true. I also feel very confident in beginning or rather enjoying CM schooling. The discipline was missing and mixed with long lessons we just had well disorder! I’m throwing out the maddening pounding of info for love of learning. I am too wordy sometimes I love the admonition to let them make connections. Thank you for all the time you put into this. I can see you care about people really learning how to educate their children.
MelissaB –
I’m getting ready to embark on my second year of homeschooling and wanted to better incorporate the CM methods into our studies. This book was a fantastic and quick read. Thank you so much for all the wonderful information Mrs. Shafer! I did lots of underlining so I can refer back easily when I need to.
Julie Anne Edwards –
Jeanette –
Would anyone say using the CM method requires the parent (the teaching one) to be of a certain temperament? personality? I am interested in using it, but I have hesitations, especially after speaking with a friend. I haven’t used a particular curriculum yet, (I’ve been homeschooling for 3 years), and I feel the need to have something more concrete.
Can someone explain the grading method in CM? Are there particular grades? I have four boys (one baby on the way); ages 9, 8, 6 and 3. I recognize, too, there is a difference educating/teaching boys, too, but I certainly am no expert. Please help.
Sonya Shafer –
Good question, Jeanette. The CM method is a wonderful balance of great literature, fine art, working with your hands, and trekking around outside. It is an education based on both books and things. So I don’t think it caters to one particular personality or temperament. It is a broad curriculum with a wide variety of subjects included so each can take what he or she is ready for.
Your second question could mean a couple of things. If by “grading method” you mean awarding grades to assignments, the answer is No. Charlotte did not award grades based on performance. You can read more about her ideas on that in the article Four Methods to Avoid in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling. In fact, that whole series of articles might be helpful.
If, on the other hand, you mean placing the children in specific levels based on their ages or skills, Charlotte taught in a classroom where the children advanced through the levels as they were ready. There were general guidelines for the different ages, but a basic tenet of Charlotte’s philosophy is that the child is a person and should be treated as such. The beauty of homeschooling is that you can give the child what he is ready for when he is ready in each subject. Some students might excel in math; you can go at their pace. Those same students might struggle in reading; again, you can go at their pace in that subject. Homeschooling is prime opportunity to customize each child’s education. Our SCM Curriculum Guide gives our suggestions for each grade and each subject, but many of those subjects are taught to the Family all together and we encourage you to use the resources that will allow each child to go at his or her own pace.