A Charlotte Mason Education
A Charlotte Mason Education


A Charlotte Mason Education

(2 customer reviews)


Key points of Charlotte Mason’s methods presented in a simple and straightforward way. A classic and concise homeschooling how-to manual. See full description

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Product Description

Catherine Levison’s book, A Charlotte Mason Education, is one of the books Sonya read when she first started homeschooling and wanted to learn about Charlotte Mason. Its short, practical chapters provide a quick overview of many of the methods.

The intention of this book is to pull out the ‘how-to’ from the philosophy, which can be difficult. Not so that you will never have to read Charlotte Mason for yourself, but so that you can begin to apply her insights right away.—Catherine Levison

Its friendly chapters give practical help on

  • Narration,
  • Literature and Poetry,
  • Composition, Handwriting, and Spelling,
  • Foreign Language, Grammar, Science, and Math,
  • Art Appreciation, Music Appreciation, Free-Time Handicrafts,
  • Bible, History, Geography,
  • Citizenship and Morals, and
  • The Formation of Habits.

The Appendix includes sample schedules from Charlotte’s schools and describe how Catherine adapted the schedules to create what would work for her own home school.

You will feel inspired and excited to begin using Charlotte Mason’s methods, not overwhelmed! A Charlotte Mason Education is a classic how-to manual in short easy-to-read chapters.

Additional Information



Trade Paper




Parent Resource


Weight.31 lbs
Dimensions8.5 × 5.5 × .25 in

2 reviews for A Charlotte Mason Education

  1. Amber Thompson

    Great little book! Chapters are short and sweet. Each chapter covers a subject and gives a quick synopsis of how CM taught it; also includes some booklists. Great for anyone looking for an introduction to CM method or encouragement that you are on the right path.

  2. Karen Brown

    I happened upon this book at the local library and it was so helpful. I am slightly intimidated by Charlotte’s method because it isn’t a set curriculum and the liberty is a little overwhelming at times. As a teacher trained in the traditional textbook/lecture teaching method a piece of me has difficulty reconciling the simplicity of Charlotte, while the rhetor in me agrees wholeheartedly with her findings. This book has provided the very practical application I needed to boost my confidence in actually applying the method in our home school. I am purchasing my own copy for reference.

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