UN Agenda 21

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  • momto2blessings

    Ditto Britney…..new to me and checking it all out. It does sound very disturbing.


    Ditto Britney….all new to me. Sounds disturbing…..


    Rachel – thanks for the tip on Real News Network. Some GREAT stuff there that we had not had on our radar.

    Still waiting for a reply from our borough about how long we’ve been with ICLEI, who authorized the joining, and how much dues are…. I really don’t expect a call anytime soon.


    Keep pestering them Jenni.  The squeeky wheel gets the oil.


    Okay, so I’m totally creeped out! I was looking for the date of my community’s Christmas parade which I found out is put on by the local Lions Club. When I was directed to their website, I saw that they celebrate like a Lions Club loves the UN day (not exactly what it’s called but that’s basically what it is). I went to the website linked for this and my stomach just dropped. Here’s the link:


    But basically they promote all the Agenda 21 garbage. I mean, really?

    When I was a child my mother basically raised us alone (my dad would leave and stay gone for weeks, long story). Anyway, I remember going to the Lions Club for Christmas because they are a charity and sometimes that was our only presents. Though, as an adult I haven’t had any interaction with their business. I had no idea! I mean this is the entity that runs UNICEF, etc. They promote charity, goodwill, etc. JUST A COVER! It’s creepy how sly and slick the UN is to put this stuff right under our noses under the guise of world peace, etc. CREEPY!


    They are set to vote on Tuesday to ratify the treaty. This forum post has prompted me to do my research.  And regardless of how far fetched some of it seems it is our responsibility as parents to protect our children.  If a simple phone call to a Senator can help to do it then I am all for it.  Please take time to call your Senators.  I have 2 boys who have disabilities and it saddens me to think that our government could be in charge of deciding what is best for them.




    I am sickened and crushed when I read this about my own country, the following article is why we must all be aware of Agenda 21, what is going on in health care, and everything in general.  If this can happen in England it can happen here too..and this is a big part of Agenda 21.  Read and weep along with me.  I am so ashamed of my country for allowing this – words fail me.



    Linda – I was reading that article yesterday when my 8 year old started reading over my shoulder she told her 6 year old sister about it, with the 4 year old listening in.  They all decided to join the medical profession either as nurses or doctors so they can save these babies – praying that passion overflows to others.  Of course the devastating part is that the parents of these babies consented to this – that’s a HUGE step in the wrong direction.

    From what I understand there is a fair bit of deception going on with the parents, the doctos are basically telling them that there is no hope, that the child has no chance of living, and those people with little money and also little knowledge or faith will give in fairly easily.  It is like the people who abort babies that have defects, it is an easier path for them or so they think.  This is where people come in to educate, help care for and support those who have sick or disabled children.  Many parents are not fully aware of what is going on, because I don’t believe that anyone can allow their child to suffer in the this manner.  It is totally alarming and more than shocking, eugenics at its most evil.


    🙁 I am speechless….


    My eyes have really been opened by this thread – thank you all.  Weeping with you, Linda.

    Not easy things to read, but knowledge is power and we cannot stand ignorant of these things, because our children will likely have to deal with these treacherous things later on.

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