UN Agenda 21

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  • ruth

    THIS IS A JOKE (sort of):  So Agenda 21 wants small towns and low emissions, then homeschooling should fit right in.  No comute, no new buildings, eating the food out of our own backyards.  Laughing 


    I know it woldn’t really work out that way with them wanting to controll everything, but the thought did pop into my head as I was reading some of the websites.  I’m watching the video on democrats agains agenda 21 now.

    Rachel White

    Ruth you made me chuckle. These control freaks and power mongering elites don’t have to make sense.

    Sorry, I descended into name-calling.

    They actually want 70% of the US landscape to be free from human living, they want to push all the people in communal living in urban centers.  There would be people housed according to their work value, old with old, healthy with healty, no marriage, artifical insemination where women are just breeding machines and male partners are chosen for them….this is the end game of AG21.  The 70 % of land will be for wildlife and conservation, these people are lunatics but we cannot dismiss them when they are already being successful.  Homeschooling will be banned no doubt about that, because they cannot afford to have free thinkers who think outside the box, they need a compliant public who have been brainwashed through the education system.  This is a lot more sinister than it sems, the end game is supposed to be in 2050, and that is in my daughter’s lifetime, so I will do all I can to stop it, here and back home in the UK where it is also making inroads. Doing nothing and thinking of this bunch as just kooks is just dangerous, I don’t want to look back and wish i had done more…


    My county is part of ICLEI…urgh! and now I see it everywhere…you know…a transportation company from the gov. building apartments so people move in to an area they dont want to cause there is not enough parking…they say that is great cause they can use the bus now…they would make it walk and bus friendly… :/ two weeks ago I would have never given a look to that article…now…it makes me wonder.

    My husband has been reading and watching a Jewish futurist named David Pasig that works for the Israeli Goverments as a consultant. He uses numbers and statistics and probabilities to see what events will likely happen in the future. He has said that peace on Israel and the middle east is not close, that it will happen probably on 2048…does that ring a bell with 2050?



    I DO get the seriousness and reality that this agenda poses if it succeeds.  I am still working on what I can do to fight against this. 

    I was just thinking how I want to live my life to an extent fits into their agenda, but not all of it and so that is a problem.  I want to live on some land and grow all my own food and use alternative energy to power our house.  But my reasons for wanting this lifestyle is very different from what they want.  I just like the idea of being able to take care of and provide for my family without the governments involvement.  But yes, we would be free thinkers and we are Libertarians who think we should all be able to think and make our own choices.  I was just struck by how I am wanting to live “sustainably” for my own family, but since that wouldn’t impact the whole world then I wouldn’t be allowed to live how I want. 

    I am still learning about this and figuring out what I can do.

    ps. I had followed this post but was still trying to wrap my head around it when I was watching a gardening video on youtube and they started talking about “sustainabilty” and having houses above shopping centers to reduce gas emitions and alarm bells started going off in my head.  Really on a gradening video?! 

    In our town there is a sustainable development being built, so far just the ground is being prepared, but they want walking paths, shops with apartment’s built above, a few very expensive single dwellings and then some shoebox type houses built close together.  The advertising for this is saying it will be wonderful to live there because you will never feel the need to leave as everything is there.  A year ago, I would not have thought about it but I do now, so your gardening video may  indeed be an alarm bell ringing.  All we can do is educate ourselves, be very aware, go to council meetings, and fight for freedom and most importantly talk to you friends and neighbors and churches and tell them to research this, and make everyone aware.  If we remain ignorant bad things can happen, if we are all informed, they will have a very hard time putting this vile plan in place.  They use money and pretty talk about saving our resources for the good of our children to coerce people into thinking their plans are good, on face value they sound good…dig deeper and they are evil.   I think Ruth you are right about the type of Libertarian lifestyle you would like and that it is a wholesome good free way to live, but this is not what A21 is about.  An English chap said that once you know what they are up to, and you are aware of A21 you will start to see the world and everything about you in a new light…..it is true as you have found out.  


    You are right about how now I see things differently.  I also just thought about my in-laws and how they were telling me that they had also had similar dreams about land and self-sustainabiltly but now want to live in the city and be able to walk everwhere.  They just want that life style for health and community support reasons and don’t know what they are in support of.  I think I will be giving out Behind The Green Mask for Christmas.  I am thinking a lot of people are definatly in favor of some of the “pretty talk” such as sustainability, comunity support, local, etc. but definatley don’t want the rest of the package.  I will be posting and talking about this to everyone I can.


    Ruth – I don’t think you want the same things they want.  You are talking about a sustainable life, living on land, producing for yourself – that is NOT what they want.  They are taking land from small farmers and family farms right and left – they are trying to get as much farm land to major farming companies as they can – one way they might be able to do this starts in the new year when the Bush estate tax cut expires.   In the beginning of the new year the tax rate for any inheritance over $1 million  will be 50%.  My dad has a farm – not big but it’s land so it’s valuable, but if he dies and the tax rate is 50% we’ll have to sell most of his land to pay the tax rate instead of continuing to farm the land the less land we have, the less viable being a farmer is.  Sustainable is THEIR term (they pick LOTS of good terms), but it does not have your meaning.  Linda (missing the shire) is right – they do not want ANYONE to own their own land because it breeds inequality.  They do NOT want people producing for themselves – they want EVERYONE to be dependent on government, with land and animals left alone.  I think that MOST people, especially on this board, want to be good stewards of what we’ve been given.  We want to recycle and use less chemicals – these are all good things, but this is NOT what they want.  What they want is control.  And they are grabbing it by using good things to reprioritize our lives so that we give up our liberty for “the greater good”.  Think New York City passing a law that restaurants can only serve small soda sizes – it seems good (let’s help people stop this bad eating habit – I bet lots of families on this board don’t drink soda at all – so can’t we all agree that others should follow our lead?), but why can’t people make their OWN decision?  Where do we draw the line?  They also say raw milk is BAD.  So they pass laws that we can’t drink raw milk… it’s for our own good.  But who decides?   Apparently, not us.  We need to make a clear distinction between what we want and what they want to enforce on us and we need to make sure that just because we agree with some good things – it’s healthy to ride your bike – that we’re not taking away people’s right to choose for themselves. 

    Ruth – I’m so glad that you’re joining the conversation.  Keep researching!

    Rachel White

    I understand completely where you’re coming from, Ruth. We, too are trying to achieve some level of self-suffiviency and as Believers, consider ourselves Stewards of G-d’s Creation; we consider waste a form of ingratitude and it is discouraged.. We have just over an acre, with fruit trees, grapes, blackberries and blueberries ands trawberries.; In addtion, a regualr garden and chickens-which we butcher ourselves in the backyard (yum!). We have seriously thought about getting a small cow in the future. My husband is disabled, so we have to take  that into consideration for what is truly possible. Our next projects are fencing in the back yard, building a root cellar of some type and getting rain barrels (inspired by Independence USA’s barrels). These past two days, I’ve been making a list of plants I can grow just for providing the chickens so I don’t have to be so dependent on buying the feed materials as much. We want to be LEFT ALONE!! I value my privacy immensely.

    HAving said all that; it would come to an end if A@! were in affect (not to mention the ani-hunting position; what no venison-AAH!!) Hunting sustained the poor when they couldn’t get anything else beyond root veges and wild edibles.

    But our dreams require a smaller government “footprint”; not this monstracity. We are also Conservatives w/Libertarian The movement towards bike paths and being careful about wasting things should come from the private sector and function that way-via peoples independent choices. Educating people about the benefits of local food supplies , the evil Monsanto and the harm in GMO’s is the direction we should take. Not this.



    You know, the more articles I read, the more I see the tenticles in every new law that’s passed in our land – even Obamacare – I’ve been reading about hospitals laying off hundreds of staff to deal with the decline in payments they expect to receive.  Doesn’t that go right along with the plan that someone else gets to decide who gets what care –  it’s good that more people will have coverage, but then if we have less care providers…. who is going to decide who gets treatment?  Declining payments to doctors puts them on a more “even” playing field with the rest of society – no more rich doctors… again, going right along with equity for all.  It’s not about equal opportunity, it’s about equity for all – that is NOT what we want!  We want hard work to be valued and rewarded.

    Not trying to be devisive by bring this issue up, just seeing more connections – I don’t want to seem like I’m attacking people who think this is a good idea, I’m just processing the effects that are already taking place – so please if you reply try to remember that there are people that like the idea of Obamacare and we want them on our side on Agenda 21!

    Rachel White

    Amen Rebekah!!


    My husband is disabled-seizures, back, kidneys- and we are just waiting for how Obamacare is going to affect his doctor availability and coverage options; these things are already getting worse before this law goes into afffect due to the poor reimbursement rate Medicare has and the doctors can’t make enough from it. HIs pain doctor’s office is like a human assembly line. He’s started now to be seen by the Physiciains Assistant instead of the DR. He may have coverage on pare that his insurance covers dental care, for example, but try to find a doctor who will take it.Yell

    Money is funneled from Medicare into Obamacare.

    Another reason I need to continue my studies into herbal medicine and grow my own.


    Rachel, this is all part of the reason that they want to pass the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. If you can take away parental rights and place special needs children in the hands of the government, then the government can decide if and when to give them medical care. They won’t be eager to “sustain” the lives of disabled children, so I can see the next step as being to force women to undergo testing of their babies in-utero with the intention of aborting those with disabilities. Already women are advised to abort when something shows up during an ultrasound or other testing.

    The UK health system is very much in line with your fears, waiting lists, not enough hospital beds, which really means not enough doctors, rationed care and no choice in who you see.  It is never a system that I wanted to see come here.  It has some good points but many that are just bad.  Agree with you too Rebekahy, Rachel and Sue. 


    I must say, I had never heard of Agenda 21 before this discussion posted. Thanks to all of you ladies who have shared what you have learned. I am still processing all of it and reading all the links that have been posted. Suprising? No. Disturbing? YES!

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