UN Agenda 21

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  • Rebekahy

    Have you all heard about this?  This is the most horrifying thing you may ever see as a “commercial”.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkGVYt-1Zhk&feature=share  We need to be SO vigilent about anything our nation has to do with the UN.  I can’t believe that this commercial alone isn’t reason enough for us to withdraw from the UN.  Frightening. 

    The really scary part is that there are people that actually feel this way!  They hate that we have large families, that we are overpopulating the earth, that we are spending resources on sick children and the elderly.

    Rachel White

    Yes, I’ve known about this for a long time and it’s not a conspiracy theory. Versions of it have already been put into place in cities and states. It’s an absolute assault on private property rights, which is a cornerstone of freedom. Here’s a good article to take time to read:


    and one I haven’t read all the way through, but looks good:





    Ok honestly I have not said anything but this is really out of hand. Nothing the UN imposes trumps the Constitution. Period. This doomsday mentality is really the most alarming thing out there right now. I put no stock in Glenn Beck or the HSLDA. They are pot stirrers of the top most order. They have agendas and light fires to scare people. No one is going to start killing babies or mandate our kids back to school. How much power does the UN really have? none. They are lots of talk and little bite.

    Reid v Covert lays this out. Germany? Not anything to do with the UN. How are there so many countries who have signed the treaty been allowed to continue with homeschooling? Simple. They can’t and won’t enforce it because it is a gross stretch of the language of Article. You can spin things any way you want to make them seem TERRIBLE. That is what the HSLDA and Glenn Beck do. I believe them as much as I do Donald Trump and Bill O’Rielly.


    In fact, it is our OWN constitution which allows our current laws to be “trumped” by international treaty.  The supremecy clause reads, 

    “Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be supreme Law of the Land”

    thus our concerns for the autonomy of the United States.

    You’re right about the other countries not being bound by the treaty, but it’s because international treaties are more of a suggestion in their countires, they are not bound by international treaties in the same way our constitution mandates we are. 

    And all too often we have judges that are EAGER to follow international law.  This is why we need an AMENDMENT to the constitution which specifically grants parental rights – so that our rights cannot be superseded by foreign treaty OR international law (Delaware JUST passed a law that puts parents in jail for up to ONE year for causing their child pain – who is going to define what pain is allowable and what is not?  I’m guessing spanking wouldn’t be allowed, what about a quick hand slap for a child reaching for something hot?, what about immunizations – they cause pain?)  We do need to have our rights as parents specifically laid out or else they will be quickly usurped. 

    If you don’t want to worry about it, then don’t – seriously and in all kindness.   But my husband works with the ADF in preserving religious liberty so I know for a fact that it’s a real threat and something that should cause alarm.




    Personally I trust Glenn Beck, O’Rieley, and definitely HSLDA more than our own government!! As far as I know these are God fearing people, and just looking out for our best interest. Sometimes things DO get stirred up but I rather be stirred up than passive. Then out of the blue it comes out of nowhere and we are caught like deer in headlights!!

    Our rights are being taken away!


    The UN threats are very real and Rebekahy is right re. international treaties and our constitution.Agenda 21 is but one atrocity that the UN tries to foist on sovereign nations.

    Americans are lulled into a false sense of security thinking these awful things cannot happen here. Some examples from the UNCRC (UN Convention on the Rights of a Child)

    Who sits on this committee? Syria, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Egypt, Uganda, etc. Do you honestly think that all of those countries have a better record of protecting children that the USA? If so, I suggest you do some more research or travel a bit and see with your own eyes. 

    Read more on the UNCRC and why we need to fight it here – http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B98172987-5D33-4A41-AF04-84F6726222C3%7D

    Homeschoolers, Americans and those who value freedom in this world should be ever vigilant and watchful of goings on such as these. I for one am thankful for organizations like HSLDA and Parental Rights.org who are tirelessly working to make the public aware of what these things really mean.

    Rachel White

    Wow. Did you even read the articles? I should say that my concerns over these things didn’t just start with the currect adminstration, but it is greatly enhanced. There are those who believe that controlling the population is legitimate and infanticide is one path to that. What do you think abortion is? Just a “women’s rights” issue? For many yes, but for global warming, over-population believers then it’s a means to an end. The more socialism takes effect, the more government controls anything that may negatively affect the “collective”.

    You don’t think that there are those who have gone after homeschooled children and who believe that religious families are a threat to their own children? With or without this or any other treaty? Just look up north to Canada and you can find it.

    BTW, in Reid v. Covert it was just an agreement between us and the UK- not a Treaty.

    From Forbes online-not exactly your “right-wing conspiracy theorists” – is a very good article on three Treaties in process that are being watched (page two talks about Ag. 21) and explains, as did the Blaze article, how Executive Orders create “soft laws” that bring in parts of Treaties not even agreed to yet. Quite a bit of a treaty can be put into action without a treaty being approved with NGOs like ICLEI:


    How about Administrations who pass Executive Orders when they can’t get laws and treaties through Congress or Senate?

    How about Administrations who use regulation agencies, like the EPA, to enforce personal agendas when they can’t get things through Congress?

    How about an Administration who tells the Justice department not to enforce current American law, presumably because the Executive branch doesn’t agree with it and can’t cause changes to be made within the Congress?

    How about a court system that uses international law in their considerations when deciding their cases? We have current Justices who support doing just that.

    See Graham v. Florida; while giving lip service to the Eight Amendment, the written opinion mentions more about international opinions and law (specifically the UNCRC) more than the 8th Amendment.



    The Constitution is only as safe we the people who are knowledgeable about liberty; it’s only as strong as those people who are elected and those Justices that are then appointed by and approved by those aforesaid elected people. It cannot remain strong without vigilance. Things that are a threat may be implemented more slowly, but that doesn’t mean they won’t happen.

    We have people who truly believe in handing the Sovereignty of this country to others. That our Constitution is “living”. If these people who have been elected, and these Justices who have been appointed by them, don’t see certain laws and treaties as conflicting with the Constitution than there’s no conflict, right? These Treaties could supersede our States ability to engage in judicial review (which was implied by Justice Holmes in the Missouri v Holland case in 1920).

    Why push for a Treaty, pass it through the Senate if you don’t expect, or at least hope, that it will be enforced?

    You know, there were so many nay-sayers in England when many were concerned about entering the EU in relation to their sovereignty; well now we see that England has lost her sovereignty as has others, like Greece for example and even Germany-who is the EU’s piggybank (but the other countries don’t put anything into it-just the Germans).

    There are people on the ground and in the trenches (like the aforementioned ADF), fighting against those who would gladly restrict Our Constitution and Sovereignty; including homeschooling freedom and other parental rights-you tell them directly that they aren’t dealing with challenges and threats that are very real.

    Personally I wanted to get out of the UN and get the UN out of New York a long time ago.

    The concept of G-d-Given rights? How quaint…The government giveth and the government taketh away is the scripture of the secularists in and the administrators of government. 


    From a long, interesting-though dry- article from Yale Journal of International Law; where our future lawyers are trained: http://www.yjil.org/print/volume-37-issue-1/international-law-at-home-enforcing-treaties-in-us-courts

    Our proposals each offer a path toward more effective enforcement of Article II treaties in U.S. courts. They are only valuable, of course, if the United States has an interest in abiding by the international legal commitments it makes. We recognize that there is an ongoing debate about this proposition. Although proving the proposition that it is in the United States’s interest to abide by its international law commitments is not a goal of this Article, we note at least two reasons to believe it is true. First, when treaties provide reciprocal benefits, the United States clearly gains from the enforcement of the agreements by other parties to the treaty…—the ability to enforce treaty-based rights abroad is essential. But other countries are less likely to observe their treaty obligations if the United States fails to live up to its side of the bargain. A private right of action is often the best way to guarantee this compliance, for the federal judiciary is in a unique position to press the political branches to honor the country’s international commitments, particularly when those commitments benefit individuals. Second, regardless of the value one may place on any given international agreement—or the benefit that the United States receives from that particular treaty—the United States has a broader and deeper interest in demonstrating its capacity to abide by the commitments it makes. Until the United States chooses to end an international legal commitment (which it ordinarily can do by simply providing notice to this effect), it is obligated to comply with the agreement as a matter of international law. Failure to comply with such obligations makes the United States a law violator potentially subject to sanctions and—likely most harmful of all—an unreliable treaty partner. For these reasons, even those who dislike or disapprove of particular international agreements should wish to see the United States live up to the commitments that it has made.


    Ladies I realise your concerns because you all see them from a very conservative, religious stance. How do I not put stock in the HSLDA? Simple. Every alarming letter they send adds a link for money. They are political as the government itself. Bill O’Reilly is a racist and he is mourning the loss of white power in the US. Glenn Back…..poster child for conservatives. They are extreme and I have issue with anything that goes one way too far to one side. They have agendas and wouldn’t exist without them.

    No big deal. I will leave you to your opinions. This isn’t where a more liberal, deist fits in anyway. Thanks

    Rachel White

    Whether you end up reading this or not, others may so I will post anyway.

    First, it’s a sad and weak argument that must throw out the racist card. It’s just an attempt at shutting down legimate discussion. Where are your facts? You didn’t even attempt to answer or address my questions-they weren’t rhetorical. It doesn’t seem that you had anything to say about facts presented by myself and Christie, as well as the OP who has personal experience via her husband. You brought up a couple of things and they were addressed by information and all you can do is use the typical words like racist and extreme? I hope others who may come across this thread will be interested in doing their own research with these links as starting points to educate themselves.

    And to be frank, this isn’t about deism v/s other religious views. The UNCRC would affect you, negatively too as will the continued socialist track – unless you’re an elite at the top. BTW, if you despise the HSLDA so much, why do you receive their”letters”? Do you mean emails or letters in the mail? Then why do you receive their emails? I wouldn’t subscribe to an orgnanization who I believed were con-artists.

    Question: do you think it’s cheap to go about the business of what they’re doing? Or maybe you confuse the fact that not all companies receive federal money, or even want to, to function? I’m far more suspicious of companies that receive federal money-those are the ones beholden, not one that raises money itself by providing a service. A service you can, by choice, reject; they aren’t forcing anything on you or using your money to push their “agenda” which you don’t agree with; unlike certain other organizations I could name.

    Everyone has an agenda. Our “agenda” is liberty. Your use of the term of liberal does a disservice to original and real meaning of the term, IMO. What happened to the concept of liberals questioning? I know many liberals who are extremely concerned about these issues because they are liberals in the classical sense.

    If some of these things seem extreme (another buzz word to discredit the person instead of discussing the facts), then perhaps it’s because the issues require a more extreme response?! No more sitting around on the hands and with the head in the sand. I’d say our Founders were pretty radical and a minority in their countries at the time. They took the extreme position of freedom and liberty and placed those ideas in our documents. They were willing to hang for it; many lost their lives and/or their forturnes.

    The people you name-call as extreme are nothing compared to our Founders.



    Delaney, your thoughts on those particular organizations and men do not negate the threats of the UN to the personal liberties of our citizens or the sovereignty of our nation. The fact that HSLDA asks for money certainly does nothing to discredit them. Of course they are political, they are on the forefront of working to protect our freedom to educate our children in the manner we choose along with our rights as parents. Everyone has an agenda, mine is personal freedom/responsibility or Liberty!

    I don’t care what your political leanings are or your reasons for homeschooling, it should concerns you as a homeschooling parent when your freedom is threatened. At the risk of sounding rude, I will go so far as to say that if your aren’t concerned, you’re being naive. In all do respect, you are completely wrong in your assessment re. what can happen in our own country with healthcare and education when parental rights are threatened. There have been many instances where the rights of parents have been trumped by what the state deems is best. Whether I agree with you or not politically, I can say with certainty that you are better equipped to make decisions re. your family than any government entity will ever be.


    How do you think HSLDA fights for our rights? Just like any lawyer who gets paid, they get paid to protect all homeschoolers collectively. As a matter of fact, you can call on HSLDA, even if you are not a member, the very same day you are being investigated and they will help! You must join that day also but they do not turn you away! Who else is going to stand up for our rights? Them and CLA!

    How are they any different from organizations who survive by donations? Red Cross, World Vision, and others keep on doing what they do because of donations! The government doesn’t give them handouts like PBS or Planned Parenthood. They don’t have any “goods” to sell like stores, food establishments, etc to make a profit! They give proof in their letters that shows us that they are going to court for homeschoolers like you and me. They are trying to inform us of the things they do for us as well. Wouldn’t you like to know where your donated money is going if you give to a cause? For example, a lot of people don’t realize that Planned Parenthood, funded by the government, does more abortions than any other women’s health care. I am sure the ones who are against abortion would like to know that!

    And I suppose if you listen to the controlled news that you will start to believe anything that they say or for that matter “don’t say”! Where is your proof that any of these people lie or have agendas to harm?

    Guess I have gotten off the OP! This is about the UN Agenda 21! Embarassed

    Just curious, why do see the UN Agenda as not a threat? This is a threat to all of Americans whether conservative or not.

    Edit..I suppose we were all posting at the same time!!

    The ladies have said about all I would have said….I should just add, that as a Brit who was dead against joining the common market in England and the EU I have seen what government overreach can do, Great Britain has lost a lot of its sovereignty, thank goodness we did not sign up the Euro as well,  Now the British government has to kow tow to the laws that come out of Brussels whether we want them to or not.  Little by little rights slip away, the mainstream media here do a terrible job of informing the people, they have lost their way and imho are no longer worthy of being called journalists.  My advice would be to research and do more research, then come back with a real argument to support your ideas, coming back with some silly words like racist shows a lack of understanding on the issue.  The UN would like to see a global government, I personally would not want that, and most people in most countries if they had a choice would not either.  Remember freedom can slip away in an insidious way, people who do not believe this should read books on Germany and Hitler and Lenin and Stalin….safe to say I think that if we are allowed to we can address this issue again in four years and things will be much clearer then.  I am not a US citizen, but I live here, and I am sad at what I am seeing, the greatest nation in the world losing its way and the things that made it great.  Agenda 21 will take away the last vestiges of your what is now tattered constitution because this current administration and a few of those prior including Republican have whittled away at it.  Now the administration who are idealogs at best will see it gone if they have their way…research for yourselves and you will see the truth….stay blinded and it will be too late.  Everyone here loves this country I am sure, so it pays to learn and inform yourselves on both sides of the argument, and we may all learn a lot by doing that……there is reason in my book though to be very concerned.


    Thought I would just chime in. It is real. It is what is going to happen in the end times. It is going to get so bad that we are going to cry out to G-d. They have an agenda. It is to bring on Armageddon. The thing is they want to slowly take away your rights. They don’t do it all at once. They slip a little in here and there. They amend one law and a bill will pass with another. They do this so we are not aware of it. They even make up laws now that we don’t know what is passing. They don’t want us to know so they can go ahead and take away our rights.

    You think we have freedom of speech? Well, this year alone we had a man test this theory. He wanted to preach the gospel across the street from a Muslim mosque in Michigan. Do you think he could? No, he was in court and the judge and his secretary sure looked Muslim to me. Basically, in a nutshell they told him go away or be arrested. Yep, that was it. We don’t have freedom of speech. We can’t even get a fair trial. I am sure you could look this one up on Utube.

    As for taking your rights away. I had to laugh at this last election.

    They wanted to ammend our state constitution. One of the ammendments was if the government was overthrown would we want a Emergency Manager (EM) put in place so we would be protected. Now, this might sound like a good idea. Right???

    Well, lets just think about this for a second. Lets say this happens. This individual would be picked by no other than our Governor. Last Governor we had was for Obama’s Agenda. Now, If Obama (or any President. Not just picking on him.) Decides that we are to obey these crazy laws that haven’t been enforced yet. It starts now. All of a sudden our Governor has the right. (by vote of the people to have an EM come in with an army to take over.

    Do you see what I am getting at? Of course they haven’t done it yet. It isn’t time to take us out. We are to powerful. We realize it. Those who choose to ignore this are the ones who don’t want to believe that the world is bad. That our leaders mean to do this. We have more foreign people in the white house then we have in any other country in the world. Why do you think this is??? Who thinks that they want to take us over? They have an agenda. It isn’t for our best interest. Revelations will tell you it is coming. It might not happen tomorrow but it will happen. It is set up to happen. I think we just are in awe that we can see it happening. It isn’t enforced yet but some day mark my words it will be.

    Just like the Jews. People stood back in disbelief. They let it happen. They ignored it because it couldn’t really be happening. It was all a lie. Today, some people still believe it is all a hoaks. They have pictures and they still won’t believe. So, if someone chooses not to believe it I am not surprised. It is going to happen though.

    Just a few cent on my part but I thought I would chime in so others would look at what is going on in their states also.

    Have a blessed day.

    P.S. This is why I don’t have cable T.V. It is to disturbing to me. My husband can handle it more and he is up to date on our state matters and tells me what is going on. This way I don’t have to fret about how our country is going down hill in a handbag. Remember we are to be wise as serpents.


    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

    Benjamin Franklin

    We MUST be vigilant! HSLDA and men like Beck and O’Reilly are doing just that. If we sit here with the mindset that everything is alright and that the government is just doing there job, we are naive. Liberty is something to be preserved. The progressives in this nation would have us believe that the government is looking out for your best interest and to keep you safe. However, liberty is being taking away on a daily basis under this guise. If the people in this country would quit being herded like sheep and actually think for themselves, real change would happen.

    Rachel White

    Now, beyond talking and chatting, we must act. So please continue contacting your Senators to not allow this Treaty or the others. You can see whether your town or municipality is enacting parts of this via the NGO ICLEI and also work on the local level against efforts:


    I know that the Tea Party in California was successful in curbing the implementation of it lately. If they can change things for the good there, then we can in our own communities if need-be.

    By the way, for those of us who are in communities who haven’t fallen into this chicanery, remember it for the next local elections for those who are running for offices that would  or could implement such measures as laid out by the ICLEI. HAve questions ready at local debates to ask them about the UN initiatives.

    “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty” – John Adams 1772 (can you tell I really admire this man? Second only to George Washington)

    We must also support, financially if possible, those organizations that do the dirty work for us.

    I pray others on this forum will come to this tread and look up info for themselves, whether they comment or not; no matter who they voted for last week.

    G-d Bless you ladies with a spark of fire in you! Don’t let it burn out! Ya’ll are awesome! We must not be sheeple!

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