UN Agenda 21

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  • Rachel White

    Remember, tonight is the special about Agenda 21 on The Blaze at 5pm.

    You can sign up for a free 2-wk. trial and watch tonight’s episode and not continue with the subscription if you so desire.


    What is The Blaze? is that 5pm eastern time?? that sounds early…


    BTW, checked out Monsanto’s website…and the first thing they said it’s that they are a “sustainable” company…

    Yes sustainable is not such a great word anymore….I love the fact that you are so willing to research for yourself Clay – that is the best way..

    Rachel White

    I agree with linda, Clay. What you did by reading is exactly what all should be doing and also be sensitive to the use of buzz words. It’s like political tests, whenthey test people on what words to use for different situations, ex: use “investment” instead of “spending”. Watch people’s and companies actions to know where they stand-not their words. Words can be manipulated. Here’s my weekly, and highly appropriate, John Adams quote!

    Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society. 

    @Clay, to answer your question about The Blaze. It is Glenn Beck’s internet station that he began after leaving FOX. It is subscription based. He is debt-free and doesn’t have to answer to any company or group, only to G-d and his subscribers. He’s not the president, someone else is that, he’s just the owner. You can either just get his show or the entire programing avialable. It is just over a year old. It’s available to watch online or streaming onto various outlets. We watch it on our ROKU. It’s also available on DISH 212. His documentaries are amzing! He explores areas that so much of the rest of the media just won’t touch. He also has a wonderful charitable organization, Mercury One-they actually the first ones in Staten Island after H. Sandy.



    Glenn’s also talking about it on his radio program right now.


    Thanks ladies! I’m gonna to use the free subscription and try to make it to the show today…5pm is not the best time at my house…it seems that’s when everybody needs mommy or they start arguing about something! let’s hope they behave today!

    Rachel White

    You can watch ANYTIME YOU WANT!! That’s what is really cool about it. Once the show is finshed, it’s on demand to be watched at your convenience.


    We usually watch in the evening when hubby is home.  We watch on the ROKU as well, though sometimes I watch on the computer.  So if you cannot watch live, you can catch up later…usually the shows are available after 7pm for us central time.


    Is anyone having definition issues on The Blaze? I signed up for my free subscription today and went to watch a program, but it’s fuzzy! I sure wouldn’t continue paying $9.95/month for something that’s difficult to see! I did install the high definition program they suggested, but it’s not helping. Thoughts?


    Nevermind! I figured it out!

    Ha ha, we have a smart meter on our house, oh goodie big brother is really watching, and that is why we are getting letters saying we are using more electricity than our neighbors from the company quite often, funny thing our neighbors are getting the same letters.  Wow it is way too spooky – I should get the book tomorrow and it will be an interesting read.  Agenda 21 cannot be allowed to continue to grow.

    Rachel White

    We have a smart meter, too. We haven’t gotten any letters though. I knew about the incasion of privacy when Ga. Power was transitioning to it, but I didn’t know we had a choice.

    Now I have to find out how/if I can get it removed and what the consequences would be; i.e. a fee on the bill because the GP dude has to actually get out of the car and actually WALK to my house.

    I want both his Agenda 21 so we can read it and then pass it along and her book, The Green Mask, for use at council meetings. The land control stuff makes my head explode it infuriates me so.

    @Lindsey: There’s also a children’s educational program at 4:30, directed to ages 8-11 roughly.

    I almost always watch Real News. I like the Conservative/Libertarian bent and they have 15 min. per topic instead 3-5 min. They really get in more deeply and actually analyze and flesh out issues without yelling.

    We need to keep educating ourselves so we are prepared when the opportuntiy arises.


    Watched the show last night, I am still speechless from all the information.

    The most important part of the show apart from all the obvious terrible stuff was that the issue crosses party lines – this is not a right wing or left wing issue – and Rosa Koire was a perfect example of how the Liberal left are also very against Agenda 21.  This is good, because when something is just a left or right issue, it is hard to get people from the other view on board; when both parties and many people are against something it is easier to do something about it and put a stop to it.  Rosa’s book is outstanding and Beck’s Agenda 21 should be out today.  In an hour long show you can only do so much, but it was eye opening if not eye popping, and the word has to get out.  Once you know the facts about A21, it is easy to look around your community and see its insidious fingers and tenticles spreading out…they are starting to implement it locally, we must stop it locally.  St Louis and surrounding areas are a hot bed of Agenda 21 they have embraced it with open arms sadly.  Our little town has made some minor moves in that direction, but even a minor move is too much.

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