UN Agenda 21

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  • Some more research and things to educate on this ….




    So… http://www.theblaze.com/stories/glenn-beck-finally-reveals-the-reason-for-those-agenda-21-ads-on-blaze-tv-for-real/

    Glenn Beck is actually behind these ads about Agenda 21, I don’t think it makes them any less true in terms of the ultimate goal of some of the members of the UN committee that established this Agenda and it should make a blockbuster, heartstopping movie.

    Rachel White

    It doesn’t make them any less true. I knew about Agenda 21 via Neal Boortz here in Ga. years ago, before beginning to watch Beck on FOX years ago (he had a specific episode on FOX about it, too).

    For a progressive democrat’s perspective (from California, no less): http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/

    In fact, they were against Prop. 31 for this reason. I have seen this woman speak about this subject.

    Also, on Mon. Beck is devoting his show at 5pm, on the internet channel and on the DISH channel, to Agenda 21 and those who have been dealing with this on the local level, where it’s advancement has been occuring, and long before Obama, so this isn’t about him specifically. Those who voted for Obama should watch this and be concerned, too. This isn’t technically a party issue at all; though one opens us up to it more than the other by their actions, but still…this began prior to the current administration.

    YOu can sign up for 14 days free and watch Mondays episode and then cancel if you want and tell others they can do the same if this is the only thing they are interested in seeing. Like I said, you can watch it on Roku, on your computer or on DISH channel 212: http://www.theblaze.com/tv/

    Agenda 21 is common knowledge for many of us in Europe, and Beck did the ads to make people aware of what is coming if we are not vigilant.  He does not support the UN at all, but no-one is telling the truth about this sustainability program…so the ad’s are to pique people’s curiosity so they will see the evil and eugenics motives behind it.  It is the same as the path of life in England, which is the national health service way of putting you on the death path.  Basically they will not fund further treatment and will allow to to die.  It happened to both my parents so I know it to be true.  I was not there to be able to fight it, but they allowed a bladder infection to cause massive sepsis in my father and he died after a simple fall…he was 89 years old.  My mother was struggling with fluid on the heart, the doctor did not treat her or admit her to hospital, she died a few days later….this is sustainability.  It is not a benign word.  I know of two elderly people here including my MIL who died of bladder infections which caused sepsis as the doctors did not treat them aggressively….these things are not acceptable, every person has value.  Agenda 21 is evil pure and simple.


    I also suspect my mother not being fully treated five yrs ago! What seemed to be something simple turned into something deadly. All tests came out clear except she was in beginning stages of dementia. She had a blood clot in her leg due to from inactivity…surgery…all tests of anything came out clear…then went downhill. I saw how they treated her and I believe it was due to her age.. 75. She ended up in hospice then died a few wks later. Still no answers as what caused all of this!

    Eugenics is actually the basis of racism! It all started out by picking out certain people types (black, Jews, disabled)and labeling them as poor society material. If you don’t look, act, speak, etc the way they think the “elite” should then you have no right to live! And here we have people who claim the right is racist when in fact they are trying to “save” people of all nationalities, disabilities, the elderly and the unborn!

    Linda, I am so sorry for your parents.

    I learned a lot from the experience believe me, I miss my parents every day and wish I had been there to fight for them.  My daughter’s are well educated in Agenda 21 and sustainability.  Sustainability sounds lovely but isn’t, population control is something the UN desperately wants and many others too.  I do believe that many people are lured in to believing it is just saving our planet and being good stewards, but it is not that at all…unfortunately many don’t want to know the real truth and some just cannot believe that something like that can happen here.  In fact the Eugenics movement started here in the US before even Hitler thought it a good idea, it is worth researching and you will see this is true….as a mother of a mildly disabled daughter, I for one do not ever want to see this raising its ugly head and becoming mainstream thinking.


    Stumbled on this blog and thought it might add the liberals POV who are also against this – http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com

    Rachel White

    That’s the one I have linked up top, too!Laughing

    Great minds think alike…Wink

    Yes this is not a right or left wing issue, it is a people issue and the only people who could possible support this are either totally ignorant of the true meaning and those who wish to do evil and harm.  This masks itself in the environment and has really nothing to do with it….just superficially.  Good people of any political persuasion could not  want to support this – it is wrong in every way. 


    Doing my own research and came across this: http://www.newswithviews.com/Morrison/joyce36.htm

    And also found out that my own community is a member of ICLEI. Horrible! I’m calling city hall now to ask “Why?”

    Christie- thanks for that link to another POV. Sometimes that is the best way for me to approach a new issue. See what another view is first, come at it that way so I can be better informed.


    Thanks ladies for all the information! I had never heard of Agenda 21, but havent been feeling too good about the UN for a while. I will do more research on it for sure! have been sharing this with my hubby and we both feel so sad that not many people know about this!

    I am pretty sure that when Hittler came to power in Germany, and started changing things there were some wise people who saw the danger coming. Sadly, most people believed that those who did see the danger of his ideas and plans were crazy and just alarming others. Maybe, just maybe, if the world would have waken up earlier and realized that Hittler and his agenda were dangerous, we wouldnt have had an holocaust. The problem with this world is that what is good is now seeing as bad and what is bad is now seeing as good.

    missingtheshire, thanks so much for your input, I enjoy reading your point of view as a Brit.


    And btw, the idea that O’reilly is a racist made laugh out loud. He has been critized for defending Obama several times by those who dislike the president. I guess you can never win when you try to stay in the middle of the road: too conservative for the liberals, but too liberal for the conservatives!


    The previous poster who mentioned O’Reilly as a racist may want to see this little clip. He was simply speaking about changing electorate demographics, not lamenting anything or espousing racism in any way. – http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/oreilly/2012/11/14/bill-oreilly-far-left-running-wild

    Thanks Clay1416 – you are quite right about not seeing things until it is too late.  I studied European History in depth and  if you look at Germany and Wiemar, we are almost running the same course here today….the German people, my mother’s family included did not realize what was happening until it was too late.  My Omi and Opa told me about those times and they said it was a terrible time, there was little hope at that time, and people were starving and morals gone – when terrible times come, that is when the people are ripe for someone to come along and help them, and that was Hitler….he evil as he was had some answers to a prayer or at least they thought – now of course we all know different.  Same with the Russians taking over part of Germany at the end of the second world war, one day my aunts and uncles were in Germany, and the next day they were in East Germany…some of my family members were only a living a few miles from each other, and they ended up on the opposite side…things can happen fast and this is why it pays to know history and pays to make sure we do not make the same mistakes.  I never thought that in my lifetime I would see a day come when we were repeating the same mistakes, but we are…and also a day when the treatment of the Jewish people would again become something I find horrific.  Anti Semetism is on the rise again, and the press today are stirring that pot.  It does not matter what political party you hold dear, some things are just wrong, setting us up for hyper inflation is wrong, and both parties have led us to this point, it is just accelerating now, and the rise in anti-Jewish feeling is truly shocking and I for one cannot understand it – I hope and pray we are not facing those evil days again…but we should be researching, reading and teaching our children about the past so that they can learn.  Unfortunately too many don’t get a solid history education these days, and many are just plain ignorant about the paths that lead to disaster…we are on one now, and people are so not aware….God is in control, but we still have to behave like His children and do the right things and stand up for moral right.  Burying your head in the sand will in the end do people no good at all, sadly.  I hope people will stand for what is right, I pray they will.  One of the most important things we can teach our children is to always be willing to take responsibility and blame when they have done something wrong….if you grow up and understand personal responsibility, then you are less likely to fall into the trap of a government or person telling you it is someone else who it to blame, and then try and convince you they are your enemy.  A person who has credit card debt, can blame the government, the bank or someone for their debt, but the bottom line is of course, it was the individuals choice to run up the card, that is the individuals fault, no-one else.  Many have forgotten that common sense thought today.  There is still plenty of good out there, but it is a very silent and quiet good – if the time comes I hope we will all have the courage to say when something is wrong and against God.

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