UN Agenda 21

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  • LDIMom

    OK, I admittedly knew nothing about this until I saw this thread. I have gone to all of the links you all shared except the O’Reilly ones LOL! He just gets on my nerves, but not b/c of his stance on this or anything else. But anyway, I am just in shock. I even typed UN Agenda 21 in google and up came the UN website.


    There it all is right there on the UN’s own website! I am just … well, I can’t find the words.

    Have any of you all read the Left Behind books? I read the first 8 or so then tired of them. But when I was reading all of this, I did admittedly think of those books. Of course LeHaye and Jenkins give just one theory on the end times in their books, but anyway, eerie similarities there.

    I appreciate everyone’s insight here. I was telling DH about it and he said he had heard something about it on the Dave Ramsey show of all places. It wasn’t a glowing report on Agenda 21 from what he said.

    LDI Mom, I am glad you found the thread and did your own research, that is what we must all do.  It is shocking, but better to be shocked and prepared now, than to walk into the trap ignorantly.  Town councils are falling into the trap regulalry sadly….you could check on your own towns pages and see what they are up to.  The basics of Agenda 21 need an ignorant electorate and through that they can do as they wish…an informed electorate will fight them….that is why home schooling is at risk, because we generally are independent thinkers and teach our children to think as well…they cannot have that and succeed – we are a threat to them.


    missingtheshire, I did go to our town’s website. I used the suggestion on one of the threads Rachel linked to … it was something about democrats against agenda 21 or something like that I think. *I think it was one of Rachel’s links, but it was one in the thread.*

    Anyway, on that article, it suggested typing in one’s own local town and some other wording in google and sure enough, there it all was on our town’s website!

    The most telling to me was in that same article the writer said to think if your town had any new developments in the last 3 years that had stores on the bottom floor and residential units above. YES, our town has been putting a lot of these up. And just like the article said, most are still vacant. The large city near us has so many for sell/to rent, they are practically giving them away.

    It almost seems like it is scare tactics on some of these links until you research what they say to do and there it all is. I mean, the UN page I linked was worded exactly like some of the posts here. They didnt’ even try to cover it up! That tells me a whole lot right there.

    I am just processing it all. I do appreciate everyone’s knowledge on this. Call me naive, ignorant, uninformed … probably all of the above on this one. I’m glad the OP brought this up, because I had no clue. I too am glad for all who took the time to share all of the links and your personal knowledge of it.



    Check and see if your place is a member….


    I checked with our borough yesterday and indeed they/we are members of “ICKLY” That’s how “ICLEI” is apparently pronounced in these circles. Anyway, I’m having our budget expert check on how much dues we pay each year and what specifically we need to “do” in order to stay a member in good standing. I also asked her when the decision was made to join, and who made the decision. That was early yesterday and I’ve heard nothing back. Huh.

    It is amazing how all the catch phrases are bantered about here in our extremely liberal town. Very “Stepford Wives”, and like a steamroller. Once it gets going, seems about impossible to stop. I’ve got to admit, I’m kind of excited to start going to our commission and council meetings…. think I can play the cancer/chemo card and get more speaking time than others? (insert Groucho Marx eyebrow wag here)

    Rachel White

    Jenni that’s great and so are you!! Both the “cancer/chemo card line (gave me a great laugh) and your excitement over taking an active part in your community. That’s how it’s supposed to work. I always feel good and am excited when I am taking charge of my life instead of letting life happen to me. Jenni (and others), you may also like this organization that is national and you can join state branches. It’s just for moms (parties don’t matter) who are concerned about liberty: http://www.asamom.org/

    LDIMom, I am so glad that you clicked on and did your own research, too. Now, you can forward this to others. That’s also very interesting concerning what you found out about your community. I’m thankful that we don’t have any of that nonsense in my county or city; it does exist in other areas of the state, though. In urban areas and college towns.

    I found this morning of another Executive Order (HW Bush and Clinton had them, too), this time done in June of 2011, that created a White House Rural Council.

    At Townhall.com; she wrote this about this EO: Obama signed Executive Order 13575 earlier this month, establishing a “White House Rural Council” prescribed by Agenda 21. The amount of government Obama has directed to administer this is staggering. Obama committed thousands of federal employees in 25 federal agencies to promote sustainability in rural areas, completely bypassing Congressional approval. Some of these agencies are unrelated to rural areas. The agencies will entice local communities into adopting Agenda 21 programs by providing them millions of dollars in grants. Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh writing for Canada Free Press analyzed the order and wrote, “it establishes unchecked federal control into rural America in education, food supply, land use, water use, recreation, property, energy, and the lives of 16% of the U.S. population.”

    A further fleshing out of this EO and some people who would be involved in it as well as people who have been successful in getting it out of their communities (scroll to bottom): http://www.theblaze.com/stories/does-the-new-white-house-rural-council-uns-agenda-21/

    I find that the ones who are screaming “conspiracy theory” are those whose organizations are funded by one of the arms of George Soros (and there are many). Linda can attest to the damage he has done to other countries in Europe in the past.

    The world is sadly being run by world wide NGOs and many of these have Agenda 21 in their souls….in the UK many hundred’s of houses are being built in areas where people don’t want them and have not voted on them being built.  The Agenda 21 council people, flatter the populace and invite them to meetings to discuss the proposals and then ask well if we did build here what would you like to see – then the people make suggestions.  At the end of the day the people then go to another meeting where they are told the proposal has passed due to consensus, the people look around and ask well who decided that – they then say – you did you told us what you wanted us to build and that is all the consensus we need.  We aware of words like – smart – sustainable – HUD – etc, these are all buzz words for agenda 21.  It is insidious and vile, and unless we become aware and speak out, it will come to pass.  In 2050 they hope to have the program in place….the aim is that most people will cease to exist to save the planet.  Yet of course as in all things, the elite will still have their big houses and fancy lives, but everyone one else will be in a very different and unpleasant place, no longer able to travel, or make any decisions for themselves.  The UN is not our friend.  George Soros was instrumental in collapsing the British economy  you can search on his name and find all kinds of lovely things….his hand is in everything these days….and he makes a fortune while doing very underhanded things.  The reason I am involved in these things and research these things is because I have to care about the future of my daughters and everyone else who have a child today – we cannot sell them down this road.  Jenn good for you, this is what needs to happen, people to ask questions and get answers, but don’t be surprised if they ignore your questions.  A guy in England who asked questions was told that answers to all questions would be posted on the web the next day on the council page, of course it never was.  They do not want people knowing this stuff because they know people will try and stop it.  It is scary stuff, but we cannot shy away from what is right.  This is a good little book on the subject from Amazon for Kindle….http://www.amazon.com/Agenda-Sustainable-Development-Sovereignty-ebook/dp/B004GKNOTE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1353080392&sr=8-2&keywords=agenda+21  it costs $2.99 and explains all this stuff.


    oh wow! missingtheshire, you mentioning that they build things in places people dont want them rings to true that is scary! my mom loves to watch Television Espanola Internacional, I guess it could be the BBC from Spain?? anyways, she has been telling me that people over there are soooo mad with how things have gone with their government. They showed that they had built a luxury airport in a place where NO ONE goes. They might be a little private airplane once a day, but that’s it…millions of euros gone to waste…wow…I kept wondering why they would do such a thing…but now I got my answer…wow! speechless how knowing about Agenda 21 has brought those pieces of the puzzle that I was missing!

    Clay once you understand Agenda 21 you can see much more clearly the way the media, the big multinationals and the governments are working to undermine liberty worldwide.  There is a town that has been built in Oregan somewhere – no-one wanted to live in these places and some of the homes were very ritzy….the council came in and said move into these places and you can pay just $150 property tax a year, they now are filling up, but it is agenda 21 that is behind the settlement.  Individual homes are not part of the plan of Agenda 21, communal living is, freedoms are being eroded daily, but there are many groups out there on FB and online that are against all this, and are doing good work to educate, it crosses all party lines, because not all are in favor.  Our task I believe is to help educate and point our friends and neighbors and churches in the direction to research these things, once the word spreads and people are aware….then they will have a much harder time accomplishing their end game.  It will be a struggle but for our children it will be worth it.  Let us be the ones to help save our children from this global plan….educate ourselves and pass it on.


    I am devouring all the links you guys are putting up like crazy! plus I am making my own research. I already called a friend of mine to let her know about it, so I’m hoping we will spread the word so more can know about this!



    Saw this article today – it’s undoubtedly in line with Agenda 21 – forcing ethanol on a market that doesn’t want it.

    Rachel White

    Nothing like subsidizing millions to burn up our food supply. Though, the ethanol corn isn’t real corn anymore due to it’s hybridization. However, all that land being used to grow ethanol when it could be used to grow real food (not to mention the food price manipulation problem that comes with subsidizing); when we have huge masses of energy resources under our feet!!Yell Not to mention the cross-pollination into heirloom corn that is occuring which we don’t know the results of yet.

    Thanks big government.



       I have the answer to the reason for cross-pollination into the heirloom corn. The result of that one will be that they are putting a patient on their product.  That leaves it open for anyone to patient any and all crops. Monsantos already goes after those whom have not bought their products and they will plant a crop right next to a heir-loom crop just to have it cross-pollinate and contaminate their heir-loom crop. Then they take the farmer to court and since they can prove by DNA that they have the patient they win the lawsuit.  The farmer goes out of business because he had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to lawyers to prove he was innocent.  They plan to ruin the farmers and take over. This is why they got rid of the seed savers. There may be a few left here and there but Monsantos is taking them to court and they have to tell who their clients are. Then they know who they are and go after them. Planting their corn.  BTW Monsantos corn is banned in South America. The kids are trained in schools to look for funny looking corn with several ears on it.  They are told to pull it out of the ground and burn it.  They are very against everything Monsantos stands for. Monsantos goes into other countries and offers to “Help” plant crops that have more ears, is disease resistant, and can grow just about anywhere.  Who wouldn’t want one of these super plants for free???  They even try to sneak them into corn that seed catalogs supply to other countries. That is how they got banned in South America.  They knew more about Monsantos than we do here in the U.S.

    The good news is that many countries are banning genetically modified seed and Monsanto chemicals, Europe have some very strict laws, and they will I feel lose in the end.  GM labeling is important and it is very strange that all the companies that refuse to label their food here, are doing it in England and Germany because they have to by law.  I was sad that the proposition for labeling in California failed…I don’t think people understand the harm GM does.  India has recently banned its use as well…so there excuse that it is good for third world countries is not working either.  Hopefully Monsanto will fail in this agenda.  A chemical company in Australia I think it was, has just developed a strain of seed that destroys human sperm…that should cause everyone to pause and think…there is a lot of very bad stuff going on in this world today…our children will not inherit the world that we did and that is very sad….still awareness is the key and if enough people speak out, some of these things can be stopped, just like they have in Europe.  Many of you on this forum are into healthy eating and holisitc things, that is wonderful, because the more of us that are like that, the less likely Monsanto and companies like them will succeed. chocodog is right, many countries are more aware than the US in this and are putting a stop to it – Monsanto are insidious in their plans.  I won’t even use their Round Up product or any pesticide because I don’t wish to pay money to these people.  Monsanto are one of the companies who produced Agent Orange by the way – another reason I don’t want them messing with my food!!

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