Is there a CM lesson plan book?

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  • Ashley

    hello! I’m looking into CM for my daughter that will be in Kindergarten soon.

    I did some research back in July and found a site that sells a CM lesson plan book with each week laid out. All you have to do is purchase the supplemental material for the lessons. But now I can’t remember where I saw it, and I forgot to bookmark the site!

    does this sound familiar to anyone? Thank you!


    Hi Ashley. Welcome. There are several companies that sell lesson plans and claim to be CM. Most of the ones I have seen are CM-ish, but not truly, strictly CM. Not to say that is necessarily bad, but most I have seen throw in some classical or traditional textbook or their own tweak. You just have to find the one that most closely fits the vision you have for your family. This site has the best laid out CM style plans I have seen so far, though they are not all in one for all subjects. Some I have seen that are laid out step by step for all or most subjects are

    My Fathers World


    Heart of Dakota

    I know here are more, but cant think of any now.



    Great! Thank you!

    This one I remember seemed very by the book. The sample of the lesson plan book they would send was very plain no color or frills. Everything I’ve looked at so far like MFW is loaded with graphics and color. Plus, they sell all the materials. I think this place just sold a lesson plan book for the teacher if I remember correctly.


    Thank you!


    How about the Simply Charlotte Mason guides? They are inexpensive and thorough.  Here is the one for the enrichment studies (music, art, poetry, etc.) that will cover family-style (or Morning Time or Circle Time, whatever you call it) topics:

    Here is the one for the child’s individual work:

    These are the lesson plans, so you would also need to purchase the actual books and things as listed in the lesson plans.

    SCM does a fabulous job of teaching you CM methods and making this amazing education doable for both teacher and students, without making it overwhelming by adding in lots of extra-pretty bells and whistles.

    For more help, look at the free curriculum planning guide:


    Karen Smith

    There are also lesson plans books for history, geography, and Bible. There are six time periods to choose from:

    Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt

    Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece

    Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome

    Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles

    Early Modern & Epistles

    Modern Times & Epistles

    Each lesson plans book is one year’s worth of study of history, geography, and Bible for all grade levels. You purchase the recommended books for your student’s grade level, then follow the daily lessons in the lesson plans book.

    One Enrichment Studies lesson plans book, one history lesson plans book, and the Individual Studies lesson plans book for your child’s level, plus the recommended books and resources to go with each set of lesson plans, gives you a complete year of a Charlotte Mason education.

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