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Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome
In this study your family will cover Bible history from Matthew through Acts and the history of Ancient Rome, since the life of Christ and the early church occurred during that time period. The study of Rome will take you through many lands as you trace its rise and fall: Italy, Greece, Spain, Macedonia, more of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Geography will be covered through locating the regions read about and a modern-day look at the continent of Europe (since the Roman Empire was centered there). Older students will complete a study of the book of Romans, which was written to believers in Ancient Rome, and work on a six-year project of looking for doctrinal truths as they read through the Bible.

Daily lesson plans scheduling these books are available in Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome.
Book List for History, Geography, Bible
Read the books listed under Family to all the students together. Add the grade-level books as individual reads for any children you have in those grades. For example, if you have students in grades 4 and 8, you will want to get the books under Family, Grades 4–6, and Grades 7–9.
[SCM]: Available from SCM
[Book Store]: Purchase from your favorite book store
[Library]: Check your library
[Public Domain]: Available free in the public domain
You can also view all the books below in the CM Bookfinder for easy scheduling in our CM Organizer.
- Bible
- LibraryCity by David Macaulay
- LibraryThe Roman Colosseum by Elizabeth Mann
- Book StorePeril and Peace (History Lives series, Volume 1) by Withrow
- Book StoreThe Story of the Romans by H. A. Guerber (Nothing New Press, third edition; This edition has 102 chapters and contains some additional helpful material in the Publisher’s Preface. If you have the fourth edition, see these suggestions for adjusting the lesson plans.)
- SCMThe Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Rome portfolio
- Book StoreThen and Now Bible Maps from Rose Publishing
- SCMVisits to Europe notebook (one for each student)
- SCMHungry Planet by Peter Menzel (used with Visits to Europe)
- SCMMaterial World by Peter Menzel (used with Visits to Europe)
plus . . .
Grades 1–3
- Book StoreDetectives in Togas by Henry Winterfeld (optional, can listen in with grades 4–6 if desired)
- Book StoreMystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfeld (optional, can listen in with grades 4–6 if desired)
- Book StoreChildren of the Northlights by Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
- Book StoreHanna’s Cold Winter by Trish Marx (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
- Book StoreKatje the Windmill Cat by Gretchen Woelfle (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
- Book StoreMegan’s Year: An Irish Traveler’s Story by Gloria Whelan (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
- Book StoreMy Tour of Europe: By Teddy Roosevelt, Age 10 edited by Ellen Jackson (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
- Book StoreOrani: My Father’s Village by Claire A. Nivola OR Book StoreDancing on Grapes by Graziellla Pacini Buonanno (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
Grades 4–6
- Book StoreDetectives in Togas by Henry Winterfeld
- Book StoreMystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfeld
- LibraryGalen and the Gateway to Medicine by Jeanne Bendick
- Public DomainThe British Empire and the Great Divisions of the Globe by Charlotte M. Mason (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
Grades 7–9
- SCMAugustus Caesar’s World by Genevieve Foster
OR Public DomainBeric the Briton by G. A. Henty and Public DomainFor the Temple by G. A. Henty - SCMBook of Centuries (one for each student)
- LibraryThe Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
- SCMDiscovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- SCMFoundations in Romans by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- Public DomainThe British Empire and the Great Divisions of the Globe by Charlotte M. Mason (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
Grades 10–12
- Book StoreThe Apostle: A Life of Paul by John Pollock
- SCMAugustus Caesar’s World by Genevieve Foster
- Public DomainBen Hur by Lew Wallace
- SCMBook of Centuries (one for each student)
- SCMDiscovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- SCMFoundations in Romans by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- Public DomainPlutarch’s Lives, biographies of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, by Plutarch
- Public DomainThe British Empire and the Great Divisions of the Globe by Charlotte M. Mason (optional, used with Visits to Europe)
Bonus Titles
Here are more great titles that you can use for substitutions or leisure reading or to create your own heritage history stream as desired. We will add to this list as we discover and review more new-to-us books.
Coming soon!