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We hope you’re enjoying the articles in the “Way of the Will” series. Charlotte had so many very practical insights and tips for parents!
We’re happy to announce that our new calendar journal, The Way of the Will, is now available. The articles from The Way of the Will 2010–2011 calendar journal are now available in a free e-book download. The articles in this series are taken from that calendar journal. Plus, the journal contains eight more articles on helping our children strengthen their wills to choose what is right.
We will continue our series next week, but we wanted to let you know about this popular resource just as soon as it was ready.
The calendar journal features inspiring Charlotte Mason quotes and articles on the topic of the way of the will, monthly calendars, places for prayer requests and gentle reminders, and lots of room to write your thoughts.
The Way of the Will: A Charlotte Mason Personal Calendar Journal is available in two versions this year. You can get the school-year edition that goes from August 2010 through July 2011, or you can get the calendar-year edition that goes from January through December 2011. Both versions contain the same encouraging articles and quotes.
In addition, we’ve added monthly tab dividers to make your calendar journal even more convenient and handy. Many of you asked for this feature, and we’re happy to be able to include it in The Way of the Will calendars.
Next week we will talk about the part of the Way of the Will that Charlotte called the “secret to a happy life.”