Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Happy Family

Becoming a Gandy Dancer: Habit-Training, part 9

Do you remember what a “gandy dancer” is? Way back in the first post of this series we mentioned that “gandy dancer” was the nickname that was given to early railroad workers who laid and maintained the tracks. Parents are…

New Individual and Enrichment Studies books

New Enrichment Studies and Individual Studies

One of the great things about a Charlotte Mason education is the wide variety of subjects the students get to enjoy: history, geography, Bible, science, math, and language arts; plus music study, art, nature study, picture study, handicrafts, singing, poetry,…

Delightful Reading Kits

New Delightful Reading Kits

Over the years since Delightful Reading first came out, we have seen many faces light up as parents discover Charlotte Mason’s brilliant method of teaching children to read. Her techniques work with both new readers and reluctant readers and have…

Establishing Good Habits

Parents Give an Endowment: Habit-Training, part 7

The good habits you instill in your child’s life are an endowment. There is a subtle difference between an endowment and an investment. Habit-training yourself is an investment with a large return. An investment is something you usually do for…

Support and Encouragement-sq

Parents Support the Will: Habit-Training, part 6

All of the things we have discussed over the past few weeks on habit-training—taking on the effort of decision, spotlighting the trigger, and adjusting the consequences—are ways to help support your child’s Will. Habit-training yourself depends on a strong Will…

Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Subjects: Mathematics

Teaching Math: Subject by Subject, Part 17

(I am so pleased to welcome a guest writer who excels at presenting an insightful summary of math the Charlotte Mason way. Richele Baburina has extensively researched Charlotte Mason’s approach to math and compiled her findings in her excellent book,…