Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Subjects: Mathematics

Teaching Math: Subject by Subject, Part 17

(I am so pleased to welcome a guest writer who excels at presenting an insightful summary of math the Charlotte Mason way. Richele Baburina has extensively researched Charlotte Mason’s approach to math and compiled her findings in her excellent book,…

Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Subjects: Science

Teaching Science: Subject by Subject, Part 12

Charlotte Mason used a two-faceted approach to teaching science that was very effective: systematic studies and spontaneous discovery. The systematic studies were accomplished through reading and narrating living science books. The spontaneous facet was added through doing nature study. :…

Laying Down the Rails for Yourself

New Book: Laying Down the Rails for Yourself

Thousands of families have benefited from Charlotte Mason’s wonderful counsel on habit-training children. The timeless strategies she outlined continue to change homes around the world. Yet, as I travel and speak on habit-training, parents often approach me with this concern:…