Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

homeschool teen writing

Creative Narration, Creative Writing

(Editor’s Note: I sometimes get asked, “What about creative writing?” Here is a lovely post about how to approach creative writing by guest writer, Karen Andreola.) “If we would believe it, composition is a natural as jumping and running to…

Narration Q&A, Part 18

An Added Bonus (Narration Q & A, part 18)

When I started homeschooling with the Charlotte Mason Method, my focus was all on the children. I thought this endeavor was about giving my children the kind of education that I hadn’t received. Little did I suspect the added bonus…

The Line That Strikes Us

Sometimes a phrase jumps off the page and sticks with me. I’m sure you have experienced similar moments. The choice of words resonates with my heart or touches something deep inside my mind, and I notice them replaying in my…

Narration Q&A, Part 8

The Next Step (Narration Q & A, part 8)

It’s easy to look at narration as the be-all and end-all Charlotte Mason method of learning. What we don’t realize is that we are focusing on just a portion of the picture. We are mistaken if we think that a…