Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Read a Worthy Book

6 Tools for Self-Education, Part 1

It struck me the other day how much time and effort we homeschooling parents put into teaching. We spend hours discussing strategies, learning techniques, and evaluating materials, striving to improve our presentations as teachers. All of that is good. We…

Free shipping

Now Get Free Shipping Every Day

Don’t you love it when you finally reach a goal that you have had your eye on for many years? Well, the year 2017 reflects just such a milestone goal for SCM. We are excited to announce that Free Shipping…

SCM Answers Your Questions videos

More Video Q & A

Thousands of you have enjoyed our free video resource, SCM Answers Your Questions. We’re glad those short, informal recordings have been encouraging. And we thought it might be helpful to add some more videos to the series, answering more of…

Nature Study Bee Swarm

Happy Results: Bek M.’s Nature Study Story

Nature study is such a wonderful opportunity for learning no matter where you live. The main thing is to keep your ears and eyes open to the natural world around you and be willing to explore where it takes you.…

Enjoy the Poems: Holmes and Whittier

More Poems to Enjoy: Holmes and Whittier

I love Charlotte Mason’s “permission” to simply enjoy poetry. The weekly happy opportunities to read a poem with my children have enriched my own spirit. There is something refreshing about having the freedom to make my own relations with the…

Answering your child's questions when you don't know the answer.

It’s OK to Say I Don’t Know

“Why do the leaves fall?” My mind raced as her little face turned toward me with that so-familiar quizzical expression. OK. Science. Think! You learned this, didn’t you? Elementary school. Come on, come on, she’s waiting. Say something. Say anything,…

Charlotte Mason Nature Study

Happy Results: Sarah M.’s Nature Study Story

It’s always encouraging to hear stories of how Charlotte Mason’s methods work in real home schools. There’s something about listening to others’ successful experiences that bolsters your confidence and fuels your enthusiasm to keep spreading the feast for your own…

Mom and Kids Walking Outdoors

Pilgrim Parent and the Three Shrines

Confession time: Today I didn’t want to be the parent. I didn’t want to do schoolwork. My daughter was willing and eager, but when she sat down in her favorite school-time chair my heart sank. Why do I have to…

Homeschool family scripture memory

Scripture Memory: How

As we discussed last time, storing God’s Word in our hearts makes sure that His ideas are always right at hand, no matter what situations we encounter. When you have memorized Scripture, the Holy Spirit can readily reach into that…

The Importance of Scripture Memory

Scripture Memory: Why

This morning as we did schoolwork, we started memorizing a new Bible verse. It’s not the first verse we’ve learned. Not by a long shot. We have been including Scripture memorization in our daily routine for about 15 years now…

Sonya Shafer speaking at a Charlotte Mason homeschool conference

Keep Learning

One of the things I love about the Charlotte Mason Method is that I get to keep learning—as an adult! Just this past year I’ve been challenged by Joseph Haydn’s daily creativity, encouraged by Oliver Wendell Holmes’s contentment at home,…