Know and Tell
Know and Tell: The Art of Narration


Know and Tell: The Art of Narration


A fantastic parent resource that lays out the natural progression of narration through the grades and confirms its place as a powerful educational and relationship-building method. See full description

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Product Description

“Narration is a potent educational method that allows each learner to blossom and bear fruit.”—Karen Glass

If you want encouragement to start using narration in your home school, or to be reminded of why you are using it, this book is for you. It walks through the natural progression of narration across the grade levels and reassures you every step of the way.

Karen Glass does a great job of emphasizing the core principles behind narration while also offering practical tips from parents and teachers in a variety of settings. This wonderful balance gives you the confidence to enjoy the flexibility of the method of narration and to adapt it for your situation.

Dozens of narration examples are included, from students of all ages, along with helpful step-by-step guidance on making the transition from written narration to composition and formal writing.

Perhaps most importantly, this work highlights the relationship-building aspect of narration. This powerful learning method can be a regular connecting activity between parent-teacher and child, as you recognize and embrace the individuality of each student and encourage communication.

Chapters are included on narration and special needs, as well as using narration in a classroom setting.

Highly recommended!


Additional Information



Trade Paper


Parent Resource





Weight0.78 lbs
Dimensions6 × 9 × 0.5 in


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