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Charlotte Mason Together Retreat 2021 Session Videos
Enjoy more than 9 hours of encouragement and practical sessions from the 2021 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat! (Online streaming video.) See full description
Product Description
Enjoy encouragement and practical sessions from the 2021 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat!
Sonya Shafer, Richele Baburina, Amber O’Neal Johnston, Sharon Hofer, and Karen Smith provide guidance, inspiration, and practical help in these 11 sessions of encouragement, totaling more than 9 hours. Take some time to invest in your home school as you enjoy these highlights from the 2021 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat.
These video recordings stream online from your SCM account for convenient access on any device you own.
Enjoy a retreat all your own when you invite these wonderful speakers into your home with their wisdom and encouragement. You might view the sessions with your spouse or with other homeschool friends and start connecting over Charlotte Mason’s methods together.
Sessions Included
In a Large Room
Sonya sets the theme for the 2021 retreat with the question, How large is the room in which your child is learning? Explore how to “give children vital interests in as many directions as possible—to set their feet in a large room.”
Math Facts & Table Work
Richele is your guide in this tour of Charlotte Mason’s approach to teaching math facts for the four operations. These simple and effective techniques allow your child to grasp the rationale behind the Tables, discover patterns and relationships, and master facts—all while igniting the imagination.
Books as Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors
When children are unable to see themselves reflected in their schoolbooks, they can start to feel invisible and may fail to develop positive feelings of self-worth. In this session, Amber will examine the use of three types of books in our homes as we educate our children while embracing the principles of Charlotte Mason.
Understanding Your Artistic Child
Often parents don’t know how to relate to an artistic child. Sharon Hofer of Creating a Masterpiece will help you with insight into the artistic personality and provide practical advice on how to encourage your child to excel.
The Simplicity of Nature Study
No matter where you live, no matter what the weather, no matter how much (or little) nature knowledge you have, you can do nature study with your children. Karen provides the encouragement, the ideas, and the practical tools that will equip you to do nature study anywhere, anytime—and enjoy it!
Charlotte Mason Picture Study
Experience Charlotte Mason’s gentle approach to art appreciation through picture study. Richele will show you how easy it is to furnish a child’s mind with galleries of pictures by the great masters and how to level it up for older students.
Worldschooling: Taking the Show on the Road
Amber is an experienced world traveler—all while homeschooling! In this session, she shares how traveling abroad can support a Charlotte Mason education, what learning away from home entails, and how ordinary families can make it happen on a budget.
Learning Together
Sonya shares how you can gather a simple, supportive group around you and your child by forming a Charlotte Mason co-op. You will learn the specific steps to start, run, and customize your group to fit your family’s needs and connect with kindred spirits, plus lots of encouragement and practical tips to help you build your community.
Keeping a Nature Journal
Richele explains how keeping a nature journal—perhaps more than any other single discipline—illustrates Charlotte Mason’s key idea that education is the science of relations.
Multicultural Co-op Panel
Sonya is joined by Jen Davis and Joy Kim for this panel discussion about forming a multicultural co-op. You will be encouraged as you hear Jen and Joy’s gracious hearts for community, and you will be inspired with ideas of how you can expand your children’s horizons too.
3 Life-Changing Keys to a Great Year
Sonya wraps up our time together with this inspiring session. Be encouraged to align your heart and mind to these three things that will make the biggest difference in your home and your home school.
Additional Information
If you have a question, contact us and we will be happy to help.
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