history- I'm SO CONFUSED.

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  • Amber Brown

    We did AO Year 1 last year.  This year, I wanted to switch to SCM for history/Bible/geography.  But I’m SO confused.  I keep seeing talk of “modules”… what the heck is a module?  It sounds like maybe somewhere I can just buy the package I need?  But where?  What is it?  I see a booklist for each history time period, family reads and then other books according to year… how do I use those?  Are they to be read 2-3 at a time?  Is there a spine, or something to tie them together?

    I’m so lost and overwhelmed.  please help me sort this out!


    Yout WILL find the transition to SCM a blessing, I assure you. I switched over form INTENSIVE Tapestry Of Grace. Here, it is so much more fulfiling and a slower, enjoyable pace. A Module is what we call the History curriculum, years 1-6. Most history programs are a 4 year cycle. Here, they base the timeline according to the Bible, and spread it in a way to cover the majority of the Bible. (bonus)!

    The Module you purchase covers a specific time period, and SCM has writting books to corrdinate with it. There are a few outside resources that are necessary. The reading and the flow of the books read are precious and sincere and lovely. We started this year with Module 6, and the (spines for this time period) Stories of America, and Stories of the Nations, are wonderfully written. My daugther’s wiring has started to mimic the writing within these books. LOVE IT.

    If you go to the bookstore, you will see an icon for History. Click on it. You will see Geneis-Deuteronomy, which is year one (for example). There are wonderful samples and easy to find resources that help you map out your enitre year. There are ways to map it by graade. There is soooo much here. Don’t be overwhelmed. It is so peaceful here! Stay and learn…..go to the SCM site, and you will find LOTS to guide you down the path of simplicity, and freedom!

    The forum is WONDERFUL. I read it a bit too much! 
    Peace to you,


    Amber – SCM offers history guides that follow the chronological order of history from the Creation on. Those guides are divided into 6 time periods. Each guide is written to include Bible, world history, and geography. The guides, along with all the books needed, have been referred to as Modules. Jordan of the SCM team recently came out and said that they were now calling them “time periods” because it is so confusing to new SCM people.

    So – as a way to understand what we are talking about:

    Module 1: Genesis thru Dueteronomy & Ancient Egypt 


    Module 2: Joshua thru Malachi & Ancient Greece


    Module 3: Matthew thru Acts & Ancient Rome


    Module 4: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation and Epistles


    Module 5: Early Modern and Epistles


    Module 6: Modern Times, Epistles, and Revelation


    Each link will take you to the guide that covers those periods. Each guide has a generous sample to download.

    Download them and really look at them. As you peruse the downloads, they will include the list of books/resources needed for each one divided by family and the grades of the children so you can only get what you need. They also include a term plan, lesson plans, and ideas for timelines. 

    The guides will have a spine that is used for the family’s together studies. A spine is usually an overarching or comprehensive history of the time period. The grade level books are the ones that really allow your children to enjoy further experiences with individual people or events within the time studied – all at a reading level for their needs.

    The guide spells out what to read, when to read it, and who should be reading it. It is very open and go if you have all the books needed.

    You can start with any history guide at any time. You know your family’s need and interests best. Also note that you may substitute a book as needed. 

    Amber Brown

    okay, I got it… finally.  THANK YOU.  This is actually a pretty exciting plan!


    When I click on this link https://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/curriculum-guide/early-modern-epistles/ it shows a list of books for American History. Do we also do this list of books along with the books for the purchased history module?




    Part of the confusion is they used to be called Modules, now it is just Year 1, Year 2 (and so on) so Module is not used in the title.

    Julie – if you open the sample it shows all the books needed broken out by family reading as well as by grade. Year 5 includes American and World history of the same time period so you will have a nice variety.

    Some of the books are published by SCM, others are not.

    Jordan Smith

    There’s also a version of that resource list organized by where you can find the books—at your local library, as a public domain free download, on Amazon, or from the SCM store.

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