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We’re in the process of cataloging our home library with some new software. It’s turning out to be a great time of renewing old acquaintances. Books that I knew I had read somewhere turn up in the back row of a shelf. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who double stacks rows of books on shelves.)
I’m excited about having a record of all my books in one place for easy reference. It will be so helpful to find what I’m looking for at a glance.
We thought it might be helpful for you, too, if you had a record of our 2009 blog posts all in one place for easy reference. Remember, all the e-mails you receive from us are also posted on our blog, so you or a friend can access them any time.
Here are the topics we discussed in 2009.
A Book of Mottoes—Charlotte’s great idea for older children to create a journal of favorite quotes and mottoes from their reading.
Homeschool Physical Education series—Charlotte Mason-style ideas for indoor exercise during the winter months.
Books & Things series—What makes a living book a living book, how to use a living book the Charlotte Mason way, what “things” Charlotte used for schooling, plus four methods to avoid. A taste of our new Books & Things seminar (that will be coming out on DVD in 2010).
Preparing for a Homeschool Convention—Tips to help you walk through the vendor hall with confidence and go home with a sense of accomplishment.
Charlotte Mason vs. Other Homeschool Approaches series—A look at how the Charlotte Mason Method is similar and different from the other main homeschool approaches: traditional, unit studies, classical, and unschooling.
Choosing a Homeschool Math Curriculum—Components that we think make a good math curriculum with Charlotte Mason principles included.
A System or a Method?—Encouragement to educate each child rather than getting trapped trying to use a restricting one-size-fits-all system.
Making the Transition to the Charlotte Mason Method series—A practical step-by-step walk through easing into the Charlotte Mason Method one stage at a time.
What Is Twaddle?—Charlotte’s definitions and examples, as well as definitions from many CM homeschool moms.
Early Years Homeschooling series—Charlotte Mason’s encouraging, low-stress approach to the preschool years.
Combining Homeschool Grade Levels series—Tips for combining all your students for as many subjects as possible.
God With Us—As reassuring and rich look at all Jesus came to be and do for us, from the pen of Charlotte Mason.
We’re looking forward to discussing many more practical and helpful Charlotte Mason topics in 2010!
Would you mind commenting on what software you use to catalog your home library?
We’re using Delicious Library 2 for Mac.