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In the past whenever I read Charlotte Mason’s statement about math, “I need not touch upon the subject of Mathematics. It is receiving ample attention, and is rapidly becoming an instrument for living teaching in our schools” (Vol. 3, p. 236), I would mentally interrupt the narrative with, No! No! Touch on math! Touch on math! How is it becoming an instrument for living teaching? How are you teaching it?
To be sure, I had found tidbits and glimpses scattered throughout her writings, but nowhere could I find a step-by-step explanation of what math lessons looked like in the different grades or what math topics were covered in which grades.
So when Richele Baburina started blogging about her research into Charlotte Mason math, I was thrilled. Richele also had a desire to know all the details, and she was scouring the world to get her hands on any old documents that were connected with Charlotte’s schools and math lessons in order to enlarge her understanding of Charlotte’s own words.
What she discovered is fascinating, and we are excited to make it available to you!
Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching
Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching contains not just Charlotte’s words, but also the step-by-step math instructions from the how-to manual and relevant articles that Charlotte urged her teachers and parents to follow.
In this ground-breaking new book, you will learn
- What branches of math Charlotte recommended we teach in which grades,
- The methods Charlotte used to make math lessons relevant and interesting and assure students’ understanding,
- When Charlotte scheduled math during the day and how long the lessons were,
- How to make the transition from concrete manipulatives to pure numbers,
- The connection between math lessons and good habits,
- What part geography plays in the living study of mathematics,
- How to use mental math and oral work to encourage daily mental effort,
- Guidelines to help you evaluate and supplement your chosen arithmetic curriculum or design your own.
If you, too, are curious exactly how to make math an instrument for living education in your home school, you’ll want a copy of Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching. Download the free sample of this wonderful book today.
Thank you so much for this resource. I have been unsure about approaching math with a CM method these past two years and was feeling like I was winging it trying to figure out what really what it was to do living math. I read CM’s original writing, looked at blogs, but now I am sooo glad to own your manual on it! This manual makes CM’s writings become so clear. I now can see my way much better. I purchased the e-book and have been reading it this morning. Thank you.
After reading this e-book on Mathematics the CM way, I just had to share that I that Emma Serl’s Everyday Number stories which we used this last summer fits so well into what CM is saying about how to go about math in the elementary level.
I cannot believe I this! I thought I was the only one wondering what C. Mason’s approach was!! From the bottom of our hearts thank you! I cannot wait to get the book!