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Encouragement. We all need it. We all welcome it with open arms when it comes our way.
Sometimes it comes as a heartfelt reassurance: Yes, you can do this!
Sometimes it appears in the form of a practical tip: This would make your life much easier!
Sometimes it walks along beside us, puts an arm around our shoulders, looks us straight in the eye, and tells us what needs to change if we want to be successful: Here’s a caring reminder.
Encouragement. That’s our goal. Each week as you open our e-mails, we want to encourage you as a homeschool mom using Charlotte Mason’s delightful methods.
Need some encouragement today? Here is a look back at our posts from this year, collected in one place, ready to come your way and lift your heart once again. Be encouraged.
Heartfelt Reassurance
Take a lesson from Frog and Toad in the A Growing Time series. Growth is a natural process; sometimes we just make it harder than it needs to be.
Yes, you can form new good habits Even in Mature Life. Meet my friend Ruth and be inspired!
Take a moment to stop and remember with Why I Love CM.
Days when you focus on heart issues, character issues, and spiritual issues are probably the days when you do the most educating. Education Is Too Often Misunderstood.
Practical Tips
Good living books make it Past the Outer Court and into the Inner Room of the mind to influence your life.
When your philosophy and methods are questioned, State But Don’t Attack. People’s minds are not open to new ideas when they are on the defensive.
If you’re not quite certain how to teach math or spelling or art in a Charlotte Mason way, refer to our comprehensive Subject by Subject series.
When you’re trying to reach a new goal, Too Often Habit Is the Frustrator; but it doesn’t have to have the final word.
It Is Not Possible to Repeat This Too Often: the mind grows on ideas.
Caring Reminders
Forming Just Opinions is one of our great tasks in life. We owe it to ourselves and to our children.
Persons Matter More Than Things. Don’t say anything that will leave a sting.
Hints to Teachers: focus on consistent methods and be content with growth.
We give our children Twaddle Too Often and then wonder why they have trouble exercising their imaginations.
Weary, Worried, and Mad: The Three Thanksgiving Thieves that can steal your joy all year round.
A Free Book for the Storytellers in Your House
Story writing and movie making have grown so much among the homeschooling community in recent years. We’ve been privileged to watch our own kids become involved in these creative endeavors.
And now we’re pleased to let you know about Finding the Core of Your Story, a new book by homeschool graduate and part of the SCM family, Jordan Smith.
No matter what kind of storyteller you are, this book will teach you techniques to keep your plot on track and to explain your story to others in a way that grabs their attention and leaves them eager to hear more.
To celebrate the book release, Jordan is offering it as a free download for three days. He’s also giving away one $50 Amazon.com gift card to help spread the word. We hope you’ll take advantage of the free copy of Finding the Core of Your Story and let Jordan know how you like it.