Category Homeschool Planning

Practical help and tips for planning and scheduling your Charlotte Mason homeschool.

Combining Homeschool Grade Levels, Part 2

You may be thinking, “Combining all my students for certain subjects sounds like a great idea, but what does it look like?” Glad you asked. Let’s talk first about Family subjects that are taught primarily with living books. In our…

Combining Homeschool Grade Levels, Part 1

Ever since we began homeschooling, I’ve combined all the school-age children for as many subjects as possible. That decision has saved countless hours, both in planning and in teaching. I love to recommend that strategy everywhere we go. At some…

This Year’s Feast

Picture a banquet, a feast, lavishly spread on a long table. Now, keep that picture in your mind, for that is how Charlotte Mason described the abundance of ideas that we should make available to our children in their school…

Making the Switch to CM

“I have a question for you,” says one mother. “The more I read and hear about the Charlotte Mason approach, the more I want to use it with my children. But we’ve been using a different approach for several years.…

The CM Bookfinder Is Here!

“Does anyone know of a living book about beavers?” “Could someone recommend a book for my eighth grader on Johannes Kepler?” “I’m looking for good biographies of composers that would be written for younger children around first or second grade.”…