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Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt
In this study your family will begin at the beginning, with Creation, pairing it with learning about the oldest civilizations in the world—Sumer, Indus Valley, Britain, Babylon, China, and the Minoans, Hittites, Nubians, Assyrians, and Persians—and featuring a focus on Ancient Egypt. Geography will be covered through locating the regions read about and a modern-day look at the continent of Africa (since Egypt is there). Older students will also complete a study of the Old Testament Law and work on a six-year project of looking for doctrinal truths as they read through the Bible.

Daily lesson plans scheduling these books are available in Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt.
Book List for History, Geography, Bible
Read the books listed under Family to all the students together. Add the grade-level books as individual reads for any children you have in those grades. For example, if you have students in grades 3 and 7, you will want to get the books under Family, Grades 1–3, and Grades 7–9.
[SCM]: Available from SCM
[Book Store]: Purchase from your favorite book store
[Library]: Check your library
[Public Domain]: Available free in the public domain
You can also view all the books below in the CM Bookfinder for easy scheduling in our CM Organizer.
- SCMAncient Egypt and Her Neighbors by Lorene Lambert
- SCMNarration Notecards for Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors (optional)
- Bible
- Book StoreExodus: A Commentary for Children (Herein Is Love series) by Nancy E. Ganz
- Book StoreNumbers: A Commentary for Children (Herein Is Love series) by Nancy E. Ganz
These two commentaries are appropriate for any age; however, if you are teaching only a first or second grader, you may want to read a sample of one of the chapters to see if your child would enjoy them. - LibraryThe Great Pyramid by Elizabeth Mann
- LibraryPharaoh’s Boat by David Weitzman
- SCMThe Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Egypt portfolio
- Book StoreThen and Now Bible Maps from Rose Publishing (Spiral-bound edition)
- SCMVisits to Africa notebook (one for each student)
- SCMHungry Planet by Peter Menzel (used with Visits to Africa)
- SCMMaterial World by Peter Menzel (used with Visits to Africa)
plus . . .
Grades 1–3
- SCMBoy of the Pyramids by Ruth Fosdick Jones
- Book StoreThe True Story of Noah’s Ark by Tom Dooley
- Book StoreAshanti to Zulu: African Traditions by Margaret Musgrove (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
- Book StoreBeatrice’s Goat by Page McBrier (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
- Book StoreThe Butter Man by Elizabeth Alalou and Ali Alalou (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
- Book StoreThe Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos (optional)
- Book StoreOne Child, One Seed: A South African Counting Book by Kathryn Cave (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
- Book StoreWe All Went on Safari: A Counting Journey through Tanzania by Laurie Krebs (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
- Book StoreYatandou by Gloria Whelan (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
Grades 4–6
- LibraryThe Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- Book StoreThe Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne
- Book StoreThe True Story of Noah’s Ark by Tom Dooley
- SCMLetters from Egypt by Mary Whately, edited by Sonya Shafer (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
Grades 7–9
- Book StoreAdam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick
- SCMBook of Centuries (one for each student)
- Public DomainThe Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt by G. A. Henty
- SCMDiscovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- LibraryThe Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- SCMJashub’s Journal by Rebekah Shafer, Ruth Shafer, Sonya Shafer
- Book StoreLeviticus: A Commentary for Children (Herein Is Love series) by Nancy E. Ganz
- LibraryMotel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay
- Book StoreThe Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Elizabeth Payne
- SCMLetters from Egypt by Mary Whately, edited by Sonya Shafer (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
Grades 10–12
- Book StoreAdam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick
- SCMBook of Centuries (one for each student)
- SCMDiscovering Doctrine by Sonya Shafer (one for each student)
- SCMJashub’s Journal by Rebekah Shafer, Ruth Shafer, Sonya Shafer
- Book StoreLeviticus: A Commentary for Children (Herein Is Love series) by Nancy E. Ganz
- LibraryMotel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay
- Public DomainUarda by Georg Ebers
- Book StoreUnwrapping the Pharaohs by John Ashton and David Down
- SCMLetters from Egypt by Mary Whately, edited by Sonya Shafer (optional, used with Visits to Africa)
Bonus Titles
Here are more great titles that you can use for substitutions or leisure reading or to create your own heritage history stream as desired. We will add to this list as we discover and review more new-to-us books.
- Pyramid by David Macaulay
Grades 1–3
- Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs by James Rumford