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Stories of America
These collections of stories from American history make the past come alive for your child. Each volume includes corresponding poetry and helpful maps of the era covered. (Grades 1–6) See full description
Product Description
A delightful narrative of American History!
Settle back with these stories of America’s years and watch your children’s eyes light up with interest and patriotism. Mr. Morris’s narratives, originally published in 1901, make you feel as if you are listening to a kindly grandfather recounting tales from his past. And now additional chapters have been added to bring this history up to present day.
Looking for Volume 1? Stories of America, Volume 1 is now out of print and has been replaced with a wonderful new American History book for the Early Modern era. America: Our Stories, Volume 1 by Lorene Lambert is a captivating living book that all ages are sure to enjoy.
America: Our Stories, Volume 1 (American History Living Book)
$15.95 – $22.95
Stories of America, Volume 2 presents stories from the Oregon Trail through the Information Age (about 1850–2012).
Stories of America, Volume 2
$13.95 – $19.95
“It is written for the boys and girls of our land, but many of their fathers and mothers may find it pleasant and useful to read. There are hundreds who do not have time to read large histories, which try to tell all that has taken place. For those, this little history will be of great service, in showing them how, from a few half-starved settlers on a wild coast, this great nation has grown up.”
- Delightful Living Book—In a captivating yet gentle style, the history of America is unfolded in true stories about its people as they lived the events of their day.
- Includes American Poetry—Classic American poems are woven between the stories to enrich and expand your child’s relation with American history.
- Interesting to the Whole Family—Though addressed to young readers, Mr. Morris’s grandfatherly story-telling pleasantly attracts and educates any age. Additional chapters, contributed by Sonya Shafer and other homeschool authors, are written in an enjoyable narrative style as well.
- Easy to Narrate—The stories paint pictures with words that make it easy to see in your mind’s eye, and narrations naturally flow from those mental pictures.
- Leisurely Pace—These little history books invite you to take your time meandering through American history and enjoy other living books of the time periods as well without worrying about fitting everything into your year.
- Natural Geography—The historical maps in the back of the book naturally incorporate geography and connect the places to the people of whom you are reading.
- Recommended—Listed as a suggested resource in the SCM Curriculum Guide. Volume 2 is used for Modern times.
Looking for world history? Check out Stories of the Nations.
15 reviews for Stories of America
If you have a question, contact us and we will be happy to help.
Amy @ simply necessary –
WOW!!!!! May I just say that I’ve been looking for a book like this for years! Thank you for all the hard work that went into providing it to our homeschool community! You may be sure that I will be ordering VERY soon!
Carmen Ledford –
Can I use this to supplement TQ- American History? Would the guide be helpful also?
Sonya Shafer –
I would think you can use this book to supplement any other books you are reading on American history. I haven’t seen the TruthQuest guide, so I can’t offer any details for you. You might ask the other CM moms on the SCM Forum.
Jamie –
I am working through TQ Early American History with a 1st grader and a 3rd grader (boys). I love the guide but even though we have a good library system, I find it difficult to obtain books to cover the subjects/events. The TQ guide has fantastic resources listed but I do find it harder to find books that suit my 1st grade son. All that to say, I’m about to make this purchase to help supplement our reading lists and, from viewing the sample, believe it will enrich our studies.
(Sonya thank you for the wealth you {continually} add to my family’s homeschooling treasure trove! There are 4 little boys whose hearts, minds and lives are all the better for your labors of love.)
Jamie –
As I expected….. This is a great resource! We are enjoying it thoroughly!
Amy –
What age would you recommend this for a read-aloud? I have a 5 year old, “K” next year, but really thinking and have been looking for a fun little history book. I have this idea that I want to start with her first, our family, our city, our state, our nation. Just fun reading and videos and no big deal. I’m actually thinking of two years of this. So, would you book be what I am looking for?
Sonya Shafer –
This book is geared for about grades 1-6. I would recommend you download the free sample. It has three chapters in it that you can read and see if you think your daughter would enjoy it.
Stacy –
Would this book act as the spine/guidline for modul 5? Thanks!
Doug Smith –
Yes, using this as a spine for module 5 is exactly what we had in mind.
Angelia Tanner –
Hello! This looks so wonderful. I am truely having a hard time, with making my choices, on where to start, in history. I have a 2nd grader son and my 1st grader son, who is autistic. They both love living books. I really want them to know more about american history but wanted to study in order Starting from ancient/Eygpt CM style. I wondered if it would be to confusing to read this as a read aloud, as well, to give understanding of where we live. I guess I am just concerned them not knowing much of our American heritage, yet wanted to just start in order. What do you recommend doing? I know the best thing would be me not worring so much but I look at them not getting an formal american history until 6th or 7th grade if I go in order, and I wonder? Thank you for your help. Angelia in TX
Sonya Shafer –
I like to go in chronological order, Angelia, so the children will have a sense of the big picture once they get to American history. It seems that you are leaning that direction too. One possibility that might help would be to include American holidays throughout the year as little opportunities to insert some American history without doing it all year beside the Ancient Egypt study. So during Thanksgiving time you could read about the Pilgrims and the origins of Thanksgiving just as a little family “side study” during that holiday. You could do the same with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Presidents Day, introducing Washington and Lincoln. Of course, Independence Day would be a prime opportunity to include some American history, and Veterans Day, and Flag Day, etc. Just an idea.
As always, do what will work best for your family.
Angelia Tanner –
Thank You Sonya, You are a sweet woman. Your reply is how I feel the Lord directing me. I love that! I was reading your new article and as always you really encourage me and keep me reminded of the focus I want to maintain.
I am going to plan this with intent and pick out our american history/ living books to read at those times. Keeping with our history focus to learning chronologically. This is going to work great with less stress for me and more enjoyable learning for the little ones. Education is a life 😉 I can not express my thanks to you enough! Your guides and seminars have helped me really understand how to apply CM style and plan better. I have homeschooled 3 years not knowing how to plan well and tring to do CM but not with full confidence. I have put my eyes on Jesus and using your helpful tools. So I know this is the beginning of better things for our family. I have a heart the size of Texas full of graditude for your help. Angelia in TX
Ann Fryer –
I have an original copy “The Child’s Story of America”. Will using this conflict with the history schedule, not having the additional poems/maps?
Thank you,
Ann, KY
Sonya Shafer –
We also added several chapters, Ann, so the original version would not contain all the stories that are included in our Stories of America book.
Ann Fryer –
Just what I needed to know! Thanks, I’ll add the new version to my pending cart. 🙂
REnee –
Using this with the Stories of Nations (vol 2) and following the 2 days for US and 2 days for World history outline.. does that put them “side by side” so to speak, as far as timeline of history??
Sonya Shafer –
Stories of America, Volume 2, and Stories of the Nations, Volume 2, cover the same years in history (1850 to 2012) and they both go in chronological order; however, the two books do not go lock-step with each other chapter by chapter.
JennyMN –
Can you tell me how Book 2 addresses some of the more difficult topics in the modern age – specifically the many wars and the holocaust. Next year we will be studying the modern age- 3 girls in 2nd, 6th and 8th. We’ve been using Story of the World by Bauer but now that I’ve found your books I feel that they would be more appropriate for my 2nd grader. I’d appreciate your help. 🙂
Sonya Shafer –
Hi, JennyMN. We have tried to take an approach to difficult topics that will give young children the big picture of what occurred and some of the main reasons they occurred but without sensationalizing details. The chapters on the civil wars and world wars include the stories of some of the major battles that are well-known in history, but we try to tell those stories with tact and sensitivity. We do not go into detail on the Holocaust, but we do recommend other books to read with the various ages that will present that event in age-appropriate ways. See our Curriculum Guide for suggested titles. As always, use your parental wisdom and discretion when determining what and how topics will be presented to your children. Stories of America focuses mainly on America’s role in the various wars. Stories of the Nations will give more of a worldwide focus. But both use the same approach. I hope this helps.
Wings2fly –
We have very much enjoyed vol. 2 this year with my 7 yo and 10 yo. I like how WWII is being covered. I also added Dover’s WWII coloring book. This is so different than how I learned history in school. Today I was very touched by the story in chapter 26 about the ladies of North Platte, NE. I was moved to tears by the end of the story, so encouraging. I had never heard of it before and it is so important to gain a full understanding of our history. And thank you for leaving “-so help us God” in FDR’ s quote and that Bibles were on the tables. THIS is why I homeschool.
Wings2fly –
Near the end, there is a chapter on September 11 and I thought of skipping this for now. After pre-reading it, I decided to read it to my children and I am glad I did. I like how it tells the story of Todd Beamer and how the author found something good to say about such a bad day. Sometimes I wish the book had illustrations. We have used the Internet or books to supplement for videos and pictures.
Michelle –
Does this contain all of the original stories, or only selected stories? I know some have been added, but am wondering if some have been taken out, as well. Thanks!
Sonya Shafer –
Yes, some stories were omitted and some editing was done on the stories we included.
Sarah Smith –
We will be using both this and Stories of the Nations this year. With our previous history program, I was getting concerned that there was too much emphasis on negative events, wars, conquests, etc. I love that these SCM books focus more on other historical events as well, such as inventions, explorations, etc. I do wish there was an audio CD version of these SCM books, as that can make it so convenient to extend our learning time to include time in the car on errand day.
If it is helpful to anyone, I have compiled a list of both Stories of America (Vol 2) and Stories of the Nations (Vol 2) in roughly chronological order, to make it easier to use the two side-by-side. I’d be happy to share that list with anyone who’d like to use it. You can email me at nourishedandnurtured[at]gmail[dot]com if you’d like a copy of the list.
Shelby –
We love, love these!!! Thank you again for trustworthy and educational recourses.
Jolene –
Am I correct in thinking that the items in these 2 volumes are in chronological order? Thank you!
Jordan Smith –
Yes, that’s correct. Volume 1 is used for Early Modern, while Volume 2 covers Modern Times.
Gina –
I used these books to supplement My Father’s World Adventures in US History . I spread the history curriculum out over 18 months and the readings fit in nicely. I would recommend this text for elementary US History studies. These stories are well told and I have learned a lot as well.