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Charlotte Mason Together Retreat 2023 Session Videos
Enjoy more than 9 hours of encouragement and practical sessions from the 2023 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat! (Online streaming video.) See full description
Product Description
Enjoy encouragement and practical sessions from the 2023 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat!
Sonya Shafer, Richele Baburina, Allyson Adrian, and Jason Kokenzie provide guidance, inspiration, and practical help in these 11 sessions of encouragement, totaling more than 9 hours. Take some time to invest in your home school as you enjoy these recordings from the 2023 Charlotte Mason Together Retreat.
These video recordings stream online from your Simply Charlotte Masom account for convenient access on any device you own.
Enjoy a retreat all your own when you invite these wonderful speakers into your home with their wisdom and encouragement. You might view the sessions with your spouse or with other homeschool friends and start connecting over Charlotte Mason’s methods together.
Sessions Included
Session 1: Ideas in Lessons
Sonya opens the retreat with a look at the first priority of the homeschool parent, which is the presentation of ideas during school lessons. Explore practical ways to communicate good, loving, and noble ideas with confidence and grace.
Session 2: Freedom to Be an Ambassador
Charlotte Mason set high goals for us as citizens. One of those was becoming an ambassador for our family and our nation by learning to converse in foreign languages with citizens of other nations. In this sessions, Allyson Adrian explores Charlotte’s method for teaching and learning languages through hands-on demonstrations and discussion of her principles. This straightforward approach will encourage you that teaching foreign languages at home is possible, even if the teacher is learning the language alongside the student.
Session 3: Discovering Grammar with Miss Mason and François
For many of us, learning a foreign language meant learning grammar more than it meant speaking. Miss Mason and François depart from this approach and focus on speaking and hearing the language. In this session Allyson explores how François and Miss Mason approached grammar by discussing their principles and leading the audience in sample lessons. Their approach should ease the minds of those who fear they cannot teach advanced grammar in a foreign language to their students.
Session 4: Fractions the Charlotte Mason Way
Experience a living teaching of fractions using Charlotte Mason’s hands-on approach. In this session, Richele explores the simple yet powerful ideas behind fractions and some simple and effective ways to relay these ideas to your own child. If your own relationship with fractions has never been a comfortable one or you want to discover the CM way of teaching these foundational ideas, this session is for you!
Session 5: From Supporting Spouse to Super Hero Husband
Let’s develop the super hero husband! Find a cape, put on tights, and be that super hero husband! Well, it may not be that easy, but you can confidently don that super hero husband style! Jason Kokenzie teaches homeschool dads some simple hacks to advance the husband’s super powers as an active participant in homeschooling.
Session 6: Great Book Discussions: Jane Eyre
Enjoy an interactive session in high school literature as we get to know novelist Charlotte Brontë and one of the greatest literary figures of all time, Jane Eyre! Richele is your guide as we dig into the significance of our reading while seeing firsthand how simple it is to use the Great Book Discussions resource in your home, co-op, or book club.
Session 7: Lifelong Learning & Lifelong Relationships
The end of education is delight in living—to give a full life. When our children are engaged learners, they continue to find delight in learning and in creating relationships with authors, creation, the mysteries of the world, and even their parents. In this heartfelt session, Allyson shares some of the implications of lifelong learning for us as teachers of our children now and as they age and enter college and beyond.
Session 8: Why We Study Art
If we don’t study art to become connoisseurs, why do we study it? Employing Miss Mason’s methods, Richele explores some of the messages great works of art have to teach us and why the appreciation of art is both a great and a simple joy.
Session 9: Charlotte Mason and University
As homeschooling parents, it is very hard not to second-guess whether we are adequately preparing our children to enter the university. Allyson speaks to those questions based on her 18 years of Charlotte Mason homeschooling and 25 years of teaching at Georgetown University.
Session 10: Developing a Disciple-Making Culture in Your Family
God’s calling on parents to intentionally disciple their children can feel like a daunting task, but this session with Jason Kokenzie will give you the confidence you need for the journey.
Session 11: Habits in Life
Sonya closes our time together by looking at the second of a homeschool parent’s top two priorities. This session turns the spotlight onto the formation of habits. You will receive lots of encouragement and valuable help for the daily challenge of carrying out this priority well.
Additional Information
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