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A Thinking Love (free e-book)
A free e-book that explores what mothers should carefully weigh and consider if they are to give their children what Charlotte Mason called “a thinking love.” See full description
Product Description
Mothers owe their children a thinking love.
In the very first pages of her book, Home Education, Charlotte Mason challenged mothers to give their children a “thinking love.”
It’s easy to give our children an indulgent love that caters to their every whim. Or a lazy love that follows the crowd and does what is easiest. But giving them a thinking love requires some effort.
Join Sonya Shafer as she explores what “a thinking love” means and contemplates the various ways that Charlotte Mason encouraged thinking mothers to show their love to their children.
- Encouraging—The short, practical chapters will both challenge and equip you in your role as a thinking mother, dealing with topics like
- The need for boundaries in our children’s lives,
- Teaching our children the meaning of must,
- A reminder of some simple laws of health,
- A description of true education,
- A caution against playing favorites,
- Giving our children the best of Mother,
- Dealing with faults,
- Encouraging our children’s relationships with God,
- And more!
- Christian—As was common in her writings, Charlotte’s comments grew from a strong love for her Savior and respect for God’s Word.
- Inspiring—More than seventy Charlotte Mason quotes on different aspects of being a thinking mother.
We hope you will enjoy this free e-book. Stop back and let us know what you think by leaving a comment.
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25 reviews for A Thinking Love (free e-book)
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Jen D. –
Im so happy this is on Kindle!! Ive been putting my pdf’s on there, but I really appreciate this new form! Thanks!
Jesse –
*Love* it that you are offering your ebooks in Kindle format!!! I much, much prefer reading ebooks on the Kindle than the computer. Keep them coming!
Joy –
Thanks for the kindle format! I read e-books on my kindle because of the eye strain I get from the computer and am so pleased to see this option available. As well, I always learn something helpful from your publications. Thank you!
Amy Yore –
Although we are somewhat eclectic in our homeschooling (this is our first year after pulling the kids (6&9) from public school), we are drifitng in ever-more Charlotte Mason directions. I am so inspired by her vision of an entire child, her model for the teacher, and my own children’s reactions to Charlotte Mason-inspired lessons.
My problem: Reading Charlotte “straight” (borrowing her volumes from the library) did not speak to me. The language of the day is difficult for me. The thick prose, the dense pages left me feeling I needed to re-write for ease of use & reference. And you’ve done it. So…
THANK YOU for these free ebooks. These books, written in current language, formatted for reading & rereading in an easily navigable way, & of course, liberally peppered with Charlotte’s own words, give me access to the support I desire for my homeschooling.
May God continue to Bless you & your work.
Jennifer –
You can read a modern version of CM’s books at http://amblesideonline.org/CM/ModernEnglish.html
Amy Yore –
Thank you for commenting. This is a resource I had not yet discovered.
Amy Dumas –
I LOVE that you’ve added a kindle option to your download! I purchased Spelling Wisdom as a download a while back, but since it is in PDF it just doesn’t work well for my daughter to study on the kindle, I would love to see it in MOBI format. We frequently have to pack up school to stay with my father in law who has Alzheimer’s and my Kindle certainly cuts down on the weight of the books I have to carry.
Thanks for your wonderful website!!!
Amy :~D
Lisa –
I have been seriously considering buying a Kindle — it would be wonderful to have your resources in that format!
I will be attending the upcoming Cincinnati convention…I am very excited about meeting you and seeing your materials in person!
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful resources that God is using in our family’s lives — even before we have even purchased one thing! I have read every download you have available, and am getting so excited about becoming “fully emersed” in the Charlotte Mason method :o).
Laura Jeanne –
Thank you very much for this newest free e-book. All of your free books have been such a blessing to me. I would love to fill my shelf with homeschooling books I have bought, but with my husband being in college, and then unable to find steady employment the past few years, we never have the money for purchasing “extra” things like that. The free books you have provided have been so helpful to me in my CM homeschooling journey, and I review them all once in a while to ensure I am staying on course.
Thanks again!
Amy Webb –
Thank you so much, SCM team! You guys really are wonderful, and your resources are too! Just downloaded to my kindle, and I can’t wait to read it! Thank you so very very much for making this format available!
In His Hands,
Amy Webb
Mia –
I am wondering if you are planning on offering your books in Nook or Nook Color format?
Doug Smith –
Yes, the ePub version we offer should work great on the Nook.
Jill –
THANK YOU for another great FREE resource!!! and in Kindle format also!!!! WAHOO!!
Dana –
Thank you for the epub format. It’s so much better! The previous ebooks aren’t formatted quite right and sometimes makes them hard to read. This new format is wonderful!
Jo –
I’m also glad to see the new formats. I have the free Kindle for PC on my computer, and I also have Toshiba’s book place, which, I think, uses the ePub format. All I have to do is figure out how to connect the two, but I’ll look at my manual a little later. Thank you very much for this. 🙂
Ellen –
What a fantastic resource! I just posted about it on my blog and included a link to this page. I, too, am particularly excited about the Kindle format! I find reading PDFs on my Kindle is difficult, so I appreciate the Mobi format. Thanks so much!
Rebecca –
What a wonderful gift! Thank you so much. I absolutley love that it is in Kindle format too.
Wendy –
Thank you for this free e-book and so many other wonderful resources! I love that you’re now offering it in Kindle format! I much prefer reading on my Kindle to reading on my computer screen. My kids and I love your Spelling Wisdom book, and I’m looking forward to trying some of your math books later on.
Robin –
I stayed up til midnight last night and read the entire book. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful resource.
Heidi –
Thank you for the free e-book. We have homeschooled for 10 years. It is so good to stay refreshed and and sharing that “thinking-love”.
Linda –
Thank you for the free e-book and Especially THANK YOU for the Kindle format!!!
Lisa –
Thank you for the free ebooks and for offering a variety of formats. I love reading on the kindle and the ipad.
thehauserfamily –
I need to read this. Thank you all for all you do for us and our children. It is so hard to find GOOD Christian advice and insight these days! I just seem to lack the time to read Charlotte’s original books, so I am pleased that you take the time to put them in this format for us! I know you are busy as well and all the helpers you have to get these books on the website! It is such a blessing!
Sarah –
Does anyone know how to transfer this to your Kindle? I have both the PC and Android version while I’m saving up for a real Kindle. I’m excited to read this book!
Jordan Smith –
Sarah, we have a page about adding an e-book to your Kindle that should help.
Sharon McKinney –
Thank you so much for putting this in the kindle for iPhone format! Our boys are only 4 & 2 but my husband & I have prayerfully decided to homeschool, at least starting out to give them a solid Biblical & theological foundation. Thank you for a great intro to Charlotte’s philosophy! God Bless your ministry & families!
Jennifer in MamaLand –
Yay, there’s definitely a need for more ePub books here. I just bought a Kobo, mostly to access public-domain books, but PDFs are a pain and the print is so TINY. I’d love to see some of your existing books “reprinted” in ePub format.
christywest –
I LOVED this little book. What a wonderful job! I had to read it all at one time. Thank you thank you thank you.
Romkes Family –
Thank you very much for giving us this book as a gift. I appreciate it very much…it has made me think and consider…may my love for my children be a thinking one.