where to begin….again

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  • nightrn

    I have two sons 9 and 11, we have just completed our 2nd year of hs’ing. First year used SL (was overwhelmed by it), second year MFW ECC(liked it ok). I still just don’t feel like we have hit our groove yet. Have always liked the idea of CM and am ready to commit to it exclusively. Where do I begin, do I order everything for the year at once and if so, how do I know what to order. Are there any recommendations for where to start. My youngest is struggling in most areas, he is bright, loves video and computer games but struggles with concepts and comprehension. Oldest loves to read and learn, I don’t want to hold him back. I think CM will allow me to focus more time on my 9yo and encourage some indepence with my 11yo. Any guidance or suggestions are surely appreciated. Thank you for the help.


    Welcome, nightrn. Congratulations on starting your 3rd year of hs’ing. I also started with SL and was overwhelmed by it. 🙂 A friend of mine uses MFW and likes it. I was tempted to try it until I found SCM. I still use the SL catalog to pull some book ideas. But I use what works for our family now. The planning book and Seminar series have been very helpful teacher resources for me:




    And the free curriculum guide: http://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/scmguide/

    and also transitioning to CM:


    You should be able to get your older student more independent. I found this site somewhat helpful: http://www.urthemom.com although I did not purchase her planner.

    As far as ordering everything at once, it is better for the shipping to order from SCM all that you want from them in one shipment. The other books can be found at your library or ordered as you need them. There is a recent thread about where to buy books:


    Hopefully, you found some of this helpful and encouraging. This is a wonderful forum for your questions.


    I started with SL and was overwhelmed by the schedule, too! I have always loved CM ideas, but found it difficult to ‘add in’ to other curriculums.  This is a great site to simply get started w/CM! Sarah gave great links.  I second the “Planning Your CM Education Book.” It’s very helpful to make sure all CM subjects are covered, and we live by the downloadable schedules. It’s helpful to see all the sample schedules, too.

    You can pick any history cycle to start with. If it were me, I’d pick the one that would allow my eldest to cycle through and end w/module 6 in 12th grade, w/younger one tagging along.  If you want History/Geography/Bible planned for you, the Handbook for each module would be a great asset (and much cheaper than others I’ve seen!) I didn’t like the weekly schedules w/SL, but love that these are set out day-by-day….just do the next day…so you don’t get ‘behind’ if you have a sick day, fieldtrip, etc.  They are also set up by 12 week terms, w/a make-up/exam week each term, which is nice. You can order the guide from here, and buy all the books wherever you can find cheapest, or use the library.

    If you haven’t settled on a math program, Math-U-See is CM friendly and about the only curriculum we’ve never switched from:)

    Kids should narrate orally from most every lesson (I ask for it from everything except nightly free reads).  After your oldest is comfortable with this, he can start doing a weekly written narration, gradually adding more from there (and still orally narrating the rest).

    I would just go through the free curriculum guide and look at what’s rec. for each child. Doing things the CM way can seem like a lot of subjects, but the arts don’t take a lot of time (maybe 10-15 min./day for artist or composer or poetry). I think it’s generally helpful to get a routine going of core subjects, then slowly add in the arts once in a comfortable routine. The Picture Study Portfolios sold here are an easy way to get artist study in…great quality and simple instructions.  If you have more specific qu., ask away….the moms here are great about trying to help:) Blessings, Gina


    Hi, nightrn!  Are you a nurse by night and a homeschool mom by day?  If so, wow!  Hats off to you!

    I am reading the Charlotte Mason series at http://www.amblesideonline.com this summer to prepare for a CM homeschool year.  More specifically, I am reading the Modern English Paraphrase because it is a quick, easy read.  My plan is to read volume 2 and 3 before beginning our school year.  I have learned a lot from this series.

    I have also learned a lot about implementing a CM home education from the Simply Charlotte Mason blog and forum. 

    Those are the places I would suggest starting.  Then you could look at the SCM curriculum guide and choose the items that would apply to the ages of your children.  

    I’m sure more seasoned CM homeschoolers will offer you the insight they have learned over the years!

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