Interested in CM and very overwhelmed….

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM Interested in CM and very overwhelmed….

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  • Richelle

    Hello everyone! New to SCM and hoping no one minds a new topic. I tried to scroll through old posts and just became more overwhelmed (it’s a theme around here).

    We graduated our middle child in May (our first homeschool grad) and we helped her move into her University campus apartment this past Wednesday. Exciting but hard. This might give some insight to my overwhelm. As a side note, let me just say, I know we all doubt this journey at some point, but know that you are blessing your child(ren) with an incredible foundation and education. Through all of the ups and downs, it is worth it and you can do it.

    Now…I am trying to figure out what to do with our youngest little girl. I am a planner and normally pretty organized. I like to start school right after Labor Day and well, I don’t have anything “planned”. Along with a Bible, we have reading and math lessons that we can finish from last year’s kindergarten curriculum, but that’s it. I’m realizing that although our now college freshman did very well with a classical/traditional (mainly) approach and absolutely loves to learn, there is so much I have learned and wish I could have done. Not surprising and really not a big deal, but now I want to offer that to our last little arrow.

    A few years ago I picked up a free digital copy of Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Schooling Series: All 6 Volumes. I knew very little about her “method” but I liked what I had heard and  had hoped to read through the series. I have not. I’d really like to start implementing CM’s methods. That series could take me several months to read and there’s just soooo much information to digest. I just read about the Bloom & Grow course through Ellie Benson’s site so I thought that might be nice, however, the majority of it will be released over the next few months.

    HOW and WHERE do I begin? What are the best resources for a “quick start”? Are most of you piecing together your lessons? Are you using resources like SCM Curriculum? I just really don’t have a clue. That seems like a hilarious statement to me having already homeschooled one to graduation. Starting all over after fourteen years is a bit strange too. Please share your CM knowledge and wisdom with me. I’d greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you so very much!



    Her original writings take quite a while to get through and really absorb! Sonya just did a video series on transitioning to the CM method.

    We use the geography books from SCM and they are great! 🙂


    I like to print out the simple worksheet from Build Your Own Curriculum on the SCM menu and fill it out by hand every year. You may enjoy the series mentioned above, perhaps by clicking on the video of Sonya herself explaining how to smart small.


    I love SCM resources and Five in a Row.  I adapted FIAR with CM methods.  We love picture books, so it is a good fit.  They encourage hands-on creative projects, art, and cooking.  They have their own recipe book.  Now we are using some Beyond Five in a Row.  But we used SCM history modules with my oldest and liked those too.  I use the Planning sheets from SCM Build Your Own Curriculum.  I think that was all they offered on here when I first started over 7 years ago.  We faithfully use Spelling Wisdom every year starting at 4th or 5th grade.  We use the Picture Sudy Portfolios, too.  My daughter liked the Crochet dvd for handicrafts.

    I have never read the original CM writings, but I am not a CM purist.  I appreciate the work Sonya has done, pulling information from the writings and organizing it in:

    Laying Down the Rails

    The Early Years

    Hearing and Telling, Reading and Writing

    Hours in the Out of Doors

    Catherine Levinson’s Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education are good, quick summaries of CM methods.

    If you can afford it, the SCM DVD Living and Learning is fantastic.  Or you might find the older All Day CM Seminar used at a very affordable price.

    You can also download short free ebooks from SCM to read a little at a time.  Read Sonya’ s blog posts in the learning library:

    There are so many options for you to start learning CM methods and implementing them a little at a time.  Enjoy the journey.  Congratulations on seeing your other children through to graduation.

    “As a side note, let me just say, I know we all doubt this journey at some point, but know that you are blessing your child(ren) with an incredible foundation and education. Through all of the ups and downs, it is worth it and you can do it.”  This is so encouraging to me!  Thanks!


    A big thank you to each of you for sharing resources, tools, links, personal experiences, etc. I cannot wait to look over everything in the days and weeks ahead as I slowly try to incorporate CM into our lives. I am so excited and greatly appreciate the fact that you each took the time to share your thoughts with me. @totheskydear, I definitely agree, it will take me quite a while to get through CM’s writings. One reason I am so thankful for everyone’s suggestions. @wings2fly, are these blog posts – ?

    Laying Down the Rails

    The Early Years

    Hearing and Telling, Reading and Writing

    Hours in the Out of Doors

    Again, thank you very much. This has given me a great starting point. I’ll be thinking about each of you as we start our school year. Praying that you enjoy a grace-filled year ahead with your families as you learn and grow together.

    ~ Richelle


    They are books available in the Simply Chalotte Mason bookstore.  Sorry I was not clear on that.  Sonya Shafer gathered CM writings by topic and added some modern applications in these books.  I have found them very helpful to understanding and applying CM methods by subject, without becoming overwhelmed by CM original series.

    The math book and DVD sold here is wonderful, too, for understanding CM math methods and how to apply them.


    Please let me know if I need to clarify anything else or provide links.  It does take time to learn and apply all of the methods.  I am still learning!  But you can get started today, a little at a time.  The links to the blog series on “getting started” and “making the transition to CM” will be the quickest start.  After those, you could read the 18 part Subject by Subject blog series:


    CM with a first grader? Super fun!!!

    Find the math and LA that you love and then use lots and lots of great books. You can look at the books from Five in a Row and My Father’s World kindergarten and first grade book list. Or just do Five in a Row. Or check the SCM bookfinder to find books in subjects your child is interested in for his grade level.

    If your little one can sit for chapter books, the Burgess books are great for nature study. We did The Burgess Bird Book when my oldest was in first grade and he loved it and I have bird watchers now that can identify more birds than I can.

    You can have so much fun and you don’t need to be overwhelmed with a first grader. Just light the fire for learning with lots of living books!!


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