Book substitute for Stories of America

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  • momof7peas

    I am new and wondering if anyone familiar with A Child’s Story of America (Christian Liberty Press) could sub for Stories of America?  I am trying to quickly assess the cost of switching curriculums and so far, I can find most books through libraries, but need to buy a core book.


    I have both books.  The CLP A Child’s Story of America is a textbook.  I decided against it for that reason.   But it could be used as a substitute, matching the time periods with your other books.  We all loved the engaging stories in SCM Stories of America.  It is a living book instead of a textbook.  I look forward to using it again.  If cost of the physical book is too high, maybe you could buy the ebook or find a used copy.


    Wow!  I really thought A Child’s Story of America was a living book because it is more narrative, very different than the textbooks I read in public school.  LOL!   Guess I have a lot to learn.  I will try to see if I can find a sample of Stories of America so I can see the difference between the two.            I have enjoyed using the classical style Veritas Press because I felt assured I was getting accurate history due to their emphasis on primary sources.  But, the children aren’t really enjoying it as I’ve hoped.  And I really believe that the SCM will instill a love of learning.  I just need to feel confident enough to convince my history/bible fanatic that this is okay! Lol   Right now, I feel really inept, like I’m looking into a whole new world, esp. when I can’t tell if a book is a textbook or not! Lol. Thank you so much for your help!


    Meant to say, my history/ bible fanatic of a husband.  Sorry!

    Karen Smith

    We provide free samples for all of the materials we publish. The samples are located on the page for each product, usually just above the box that says “Media Type.”

    Stories of America, Vol. 1 and Stories of the Nations, Vol. 1 are used in the Early Modern & Epistles lesson plans. Stories of America, Vol. 2 and Stories of the Nations, Vol. 2 are used in the Modern Times & Epistles, Revelation lesson plans.


    I pulled these books out again to compare side by side today.  I found that both books used the original writings of Charles Morris from 1901.  SCM vol. 2 also used his other writings from the early 1900’s, according to the copyright page.  I am looking at CLP 2nd edition.  Much of Stories of America vol. 1 is the same.  SCM has additional material contributed by Sonya Shafer.  CLP has added pictures and maps and fact boxes.  The review questions at the end made me think of it as a textbook.  Sorry for the mistake.

    Several years ago, I was looking at more modern chapters for 1850 – 2012.  There are more differences between CLP and Stories of America vol 2.  The last similar text I can tell is CLP chapter 24 and Stories of America vol 2 chapter 14 (of 36 chapters).  It makes sense to find more differences between the two texts after the early 1900’s, which would be written by someone other than the original author.  I really like how SCM handled the modern American topics in their vol. 2.  The later chapters in the CLP book read more like a textbook to me.  This is why I chose to use the SCM book.

    Either book should work fine for a spine, but you might consider adding or substituting the additional text of SCM Stories of America vol 2 if you end up using CLP A Child’s Story of America.  I hope that is more helpful.  Sorry for any confusion.


    Hi, and thanks for the legwork you did! I am so grateful.  I found and compared the Stories of America sample to the same chapters in my CLP Child’s Story of America (2nd ed.) Then, I found and matched up the rest of the assigned chapter names in my Early Modern & Epistles book to the Chapter names in the CLP. I was encouraged to find just what you said, that the text was basically the same. In fact, I wouldn’t have thought if doing this if I hadn’t already used parts of the CLP book as a supplement in our Veritas curr. When I read the sample of the first 3 chapters of the SCM book, I recognized the text!  I did find one chapter, Roger Williams and the Puritans, (mentioned), but not covered in the Child’s Story of America, but I have resources on that.  As for Daniel Boone, I found him discussed in Ch 8, pgs 53-54, so not a whole chapter, but again, I have enough otherwise on him.  So, I feel good about using the CLP book as a spine, and finding living books to supplement.  I’m going to pick up where we left off in Ametican history using the SCM curriculum and see how they like it. I hope they do! Thanks again! 😊


    And I agree with you on using Stories of America, vol 2 for the Modern Times book!

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