Tag charlotte mason method

New Early Years Homeschool Book

A new arrival always brings excitement, and we’re excited about the new arrival at SCM—The Early Years: A Charlotte Mason Preschool Handbook! This book is filled with Charlotte Mason’s ideas for the preschool years, presented in bite-size chunks with modern-day…

Twaddle (Part 2)

Thanks to everyone who submitted their definitions of “twaddle” on last week’s post! If you haven’t read the definitions yet, we encourage you to do so soon. One of the reasons we wanted to discuss twaddle was to help us…

SCM Summer Update

What a great time we’ve had traveling to North Carolina, Iowa, and Ohio the past few weeks and meeting many of you at the homeschool book fairs and conventions! We’re looking forward to one more Expo the end of this…

Choosing a Homeschool Math Curriculum

One question Karen and I get asked quite often is, “What do you think about (insert name here) math curriculum?” It’s an interesting question for two reasons: first, Charlotte Mason didn’t specify exactly how she taught all the levels of…

Letters from Egypt Now Available

We hope you have been enjoying our current series on how the Charlotte Mason Method is different from other homeschool approaches. We’ll get back to our series next week. This week we wanted to let you know about a great…

Four Methods to Avoid in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

The past few weeks we’ve been talking about feeding our children’s natural curiosity and desire for knowledge by using living books and natural things. Those Charlotte Mason methods help our children form relations that result in true education. But did…

Hands-on Learning in the Charlotte Mason Method

Many people equate living books with the Charlotte Mason method. And that’s well and good. Living books are a big part of her approach, as we’ve discussed during recent posts. But a Charlotte Mason education is not based just on…

Using Living Books Effectively

Today is grocery day at our house. And you can be sure that after last time’s post, I’m going to be picky in the produce section. But you know, bringing home that delightful food is just the first step. It’s…

I Can Relate

Fleece. Dyeing. Carding. Spinning. A year ago I recognized those words and could define them accurately. But in the past several months my oldest daughter has taken up dyeing and spinning as a hobby. Now when I hear someone mention…

Outdoor Secrets Nature Stories

“Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there stood in a large orchard a beautiful Apple-Tree. All through the long winter it had held out bare branches. The March sun whispered to it that spring had come. But…

The Swedish Drill Teacher

After our previous post, many of you contacted us to find out where you might be able to get a copy of the book we mentioned: The Swedish Drill Teacher by M. H. Spalding. Originally published in 1910, this book…