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Over the past three weeks we have pondered some wonderful gems of wisdom from Charlotte Mason.
Wisdom Gem #1: “Always remember that persons matter more than things. Don’t say anything that will leave a sting.”
Wisdom Gem #2: “State your theory and practice, but attack nothing. Be indignant at nothing. When people’s minds are put on the defensive they have no room to receive new ideas.”
Wisdom Gem #3: “It is pleasant to know that, even in mature life, it is possible by a little persistent effort to acquire a desirable habit.”
If you enjoyed those articles, we’re confident that you will enjoy our new Charlotte Mason personal calendar journal, Wisdom for Moms. This new calendar journal contains our favorite gentle reminders and bits of counsel that Charlotte shared with parents, friends, and teachers, including the three articles above. This calendar journal is now out of print.
We’ve made a couple of tweaks to the calendar this year to honor your requests. The School Year edition now begins in July. And the year-at-a-glance calendar has been moved to the front to make it easier to use.
Of course, you’ll find the handy monthly tab dividers, the encouraging CM quotes, the friendly reminders, and the spacious areas for journaling all there to help you stay organized and create a beautiful keepsake of your year.
Walk through your year with Charlotte Mason as your companion with the Wisdom for Moms Charlotte Mason calendar journal, and be encouraged by her wisdom for you!