Category Homeschool Planning

Practical help and tips for planning and scheduling your Charlotte Mason homeschool.

Three homeschool tips

3 Tips for a Successful Homeschool Year: Tip #2

Last week we looked at Tip #1 for a successful homeschool year: Plan for Variety. Today let’s continue with our quick reminders and Tip #2. Tip #2: Shop with Purpose Just as it is difficult to create a building project…

Keeping Your Balance

Keeping Your Balance: Switch Things Around

It’s so much fun to see Charlotte Mason’s principles play out right in front of your eyes! Recently I was presenting the workshop “Charlotte Mason & Her Methods” at a homeschool convention. It was late at night after a full…

Homeschool mom and daughter

The Wonderful Ease of Having a Plan

I am at peace. My mind can focus happily as I write this note. It is not wrestling with little nagging thoughts that flit in uninvited and interrupt the flow. How did I achieve this happy state?, you ask. Yesterday…

Getting Started in Homeschooling free e-book

Free Homeschool Book: Getting Started, part 6

We promised a little surprise this week and here it is: We are pleased to offer you this free book, Getting Started in Homeschooling. All the information from this Getting Started article series, plus more helpful material, is collected into…

Combining Homeschool Grade Levels, Part 3

Many school subjects are easy to do all together as a family regardless of the ages of the children. Last week we talked about how to combine the grade levels for subjects that involve books. This week let’s look at…