Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Top Ten SCM Blog Posts from 2008

It’s January — a great time for looking back and looking ahead. We thought a fun way to look back would be to review our most popular posts for 2008. Perhaps you missed one of these topics or will find…

2008 SCM Event Photos

We enjoyed getting to travel and meet many of you during 2008! And thanks to my husband John, you can take a look back over the year with us. John hauled his trusty digital camera to several of our All-Day…

All-Day CM Seminar Now on DVD

That’s right! We are pleased to announce that the All-Day Charlotte Mason Seminar is now available on DVD. We’ve had so many requests to record this seminar and have been working on it for many months. It’s exciting to have…

Another Kind of Ornament

I enjoy the annual Christmas tree trimming at our house. (Well, aside from climbing up into the attic and hauling down all the boxes.) We put on some Christmas music, light a cinnamon-scented candle, assemble the faithful old artificial tree,…

Christmas Ideas

Well, we’ve taken down the Thanksgiving decorations and put up the Christmas ones. And along with the Christmas decorations come the Christmas resources that we’ve used in previous years. Want a quick peek?

Surveying God’s Mercies

“When all Thy mercies, O my God,My rising soul surveys,Transported with the view I’m lost,In wonder, love and praise”—Joseph Addison Charlotte Mason took time for her soul to survey God’s mercies, and here is what she found to be thankful…

SCM Forum Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

Last November we launched the Simply Charlotte Mason community forum with the prayer that it would be a place of encouragement, grace, and help for all those using the Charlotte Mason method. We’re thrilled with the community that has grown…

2009 Calendar Now Available

We hope you’ve enjoyed the habit-training articles from the past few weeks. They are just a sampling of the thirteen articles and more than fifty Charlotte Mason quotes included in our new 2009 calendar journal, A Year of Smooth and…

Natural Consequences

“Trust me, you’re not going to like it.” My little girl’s big brown eyes peered solemnly across the table. “But I want to try it.” “If you try it, you will have to sit there until you drink it all.…

Why Nagging Doesn’t Work

“I nag them and I nag them, but it does no good.” Most of us can testify to the truth of that statement. But I never understood why nagging doesn’t work until I started to study Charlotte’s habit-training principles. Now…

Habits Workshop Now on DVD!

I recently got a new printer for my computer, and as I was unpacking it I came upon a huge stack of user documents. My heart sank. The amount of information was a bit overwhelming. It was all helpful, to…

Take the Same Route

Have you ever driven to the grocery store and, after you pulled into a parking place and shut off the car, you realized that you didn’t remember the drive there? It was almost as if you drove on auto-pilot. Whenever…

Her Own Idea

I can still picture the textured wall, the shiny smooth top of the spinet piano, and the white kitchen timer with its seemingly unmoving dial. I was supposed to be practicing my piano lesson, but I probably spent half of…

Smooth and Easy Days

Last month we did a little deep cleaning around our house. Well, okay, not a little — a lot. At least it seemed like a lot. Cleaning can be hard work! By the time we had the furniture moved, the…

SCM Book News

The past few months have brought about some changes for our SCM books. We think they’re good changes! Here are the details for you.