The Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits workshop will give you the quick-start how-to-form-good-habits overview that gets you up and running in just one hour. You’ll also learn some practical tips for the top three habits Charlotte Mason talked about the most: the habits of attention, obedience, and truthfulness.
The Laying Down the Rails book is a parent reference guide, in which you will find everything Charlotte said about each habit. Her comments will inspire and give you ideas for everyday practice.
The Laying Down the Rails for Children book is full of motivational stories, Scripture passages, poems, etc. for each habit to share with the children. These are divided into a set of lessons you can follow for the habit you’re working on.
Laying Down the Rails for Yourself is a practical how-to book just for adults and young adults. It looks at key descriptions that Charlotte gave of habits and pulls from them timeless principles to help you instill good habits in your own life. Good habits are not just for kids!
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