Where to begin, so much to choose from

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM Where to begin, so much to choose from

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  • Andrea

    We have been trying to implement a CM homeschool for about a month (although this is our 2nd year homeschooling). I feel like I need a more solid plan and some direction. How many books? How to grade (I have an almost 8th grader who needs transcripts)? What a daily schedule should be? And so many more questions. I see that SCM has an All Day Seminar, a DVD and book on Planning your CM Education, and Books and Things. I already use the organizer here and love it. Which of those 3 options would be a good starting point? I already understand the basics of CM, I just need help implementing. Thank you 🙂


    BTW I have two sons, 13 and 7, and a 16 month old daughter. My boys are really enjoying what CM we are doing. But I feel so scattered, unorganized, and unsure.



    SCM has generously provided us with a Free Curriculum Guide. You should be able to use this to plan right down to the specific books you want to use for each child in each subject and for your family books. The one I just linked to is an updated version. Many of us prefer the older version, which you can find here

    After looking at the Curriculum Guide, I would encourage you to choose one of the six history modules to begin with your family. They do an excellent job of combining history, geography, and Bible, with concise lesson plans for the family as well as your individual students. This will help you in a practical way and show you that you can combine many subjects in your family which simplifies so much. You may be able to do this less than a lot of us because of the large age difference between your children, but you will be able to do it some.

    SCM also has this Sample Schedules page. After clicking, scroll down about halfway, and you will find many examples of Charlotte’s schedules. 

    As for which DVD might be most helpful to you, may I recommend Planning Your CM Education and Books and Things? Both are excellent and will help you get started with planning your own schedule and subjects. I actually own all three DVDs and would not be without them.

    I hope that was helpful!



    Thank you. I already bought, and prepared Mystery of History 1. I like it since I’m a newbie, it has extremely short lessons that I can branch out from into living books, and I’d hate to waste the money I already spent on it. I have read good things about the SCM history though. I may check that out for next year. My oldest didn’t get much world history in his regular school. So I’m a little pressed to stick to a 4 year cycle for him. We have great math and science resources. Really, I’m just trying to figure out how to incorporate everything into a nice flow. I feel like our day is so choppy with 20 min of reading from one book, quick chat about it, then we dive into another. Sometimes I wish I could spend a day in the home of a CM veteran. Lol


    Hello Andrea! You could break up your book time by working on something else in between. For instance, you read and discuss history, then listen to some music and work on math. Afterwards, read and discuss another book followed by writing. Read a poem or two then go outside for some fresh air and a little nature study. These are very simplified ideas, but the point is to change the activity to promote attentiveness and prevent weariness.



    Change or ease in one thing at a time until you are comfortable with it, then add another. The DVD sets you are looking at are a great how-to do CM, but not much about the flow of the day. They are great sets to have. I own all 3. Much can be learned on their website and this forum.

    Here is a planning blog series:


    Here are sample daily schedules:


    I like this one:


    Don’t forget to use the 3 basic CM principles:


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