My son who has finished K-3rd grade in private school has always done saxon math. We are homeschooling him and sister who is 6 years old starting this school year. I discovered Right Start math on SCM curriculum guide and like what I’ve read so far but concerned about him not understanding some concepts due to not starting with Right Start. Does anyone have any input on this? Has anyone experienced switching at this age?
Rightstart has a little question thing on their site to help you determine where to start.
Basically, if you start with anywhere other than level A or B (both beginning levels), you buy and use transition lessons. You can also get a good idea of which level to start at by how they do on the transition lessons.
Is Saxon working for him— has he struggled with it?
We are (gasp) Saxon users here— no booing and hissing at me please
We are a large family– and this works great for us– we have tried everything else— but this works and they all understsnd and do well with it.
That said— I just hate to see people switch to something else if what they are using is working KWIM?
I just wanted you to know that there are CMers who use Saxon- if you join the Saxon yahoo group — you would find quite a bunch of us CMers on the list
No (gasp) necessary Mrs. B 🙂 It is good to know there are CM’s out there who use Saxon. Well at first I thought we would continue with Saxon now that we are HSing but my son’s neurodevelopmentalist said she didn’t like Saxon. She suggested Teaching Textbooks which looks good but when I discovered Right Start I really connected with their explanation behind the development of the program. I was not a good math student I believe because I did not get the basic fundamentals from the beginning and struggled all the way through high school. That being said your probably right that a switch may not be the best thing for him at this time. He complained about the math being boring but honestly for the past 4 years the only thing I saw was the homework end.
Thank you suzukimom I will check their website again about the transition lessons.
I really appreciate that you took the time to respond. I’m new to this forum & am excited to have the opportunity to share ideas.
no gasping and no booing and hissing over here Mrs. B! we each must choose what is right for our families. i hope my posts on this subject did not offend you. Please forgive me if they did. In my experience, I had a class of 21 homeshoolers who had all used Saxon and all seemed to do well in it (some claiming to be ready for Algebra 2) –but in reality knew little or no math. Later, I did meet one boy who understood math using Saxon, but his dad was an engineer and made sure to work on understanding and application with him. What we use for ANY subject is a personal choice, and I am surely not trying to undermine that. really Mrs. B I’m not trying to bash anything or anyone…I was trying to help.
that said, cre8something, check out the math posts from about a month ago about RS and all things math!
Thanks for adding the links on the end of your message Jo, I really appreciate it. I must add that I will be teaching my Kindergarten age daughter as well so I think RS is the one I would prefer to start her with. So most likely will be jumping in to RS with both.
cre8something – when will you start your school year? I’m going to be facing the same thing with my niece and I’ll be curious to know how it goes with your son.
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