If you order it from Amazon UK they will ship it straight to your house (or any other UK seller for that matter). I’ve done it fairly often and you pay between $7 and $12 for shipping.
I’d love for SCM to be able to print it…especially in hardback, and maybe without the evolution stuff. Well, now I’m dreaming…
After reading the responses from everybody after I started this thread, I found it through ILL. I unfortunately had already surpassed my budget for the year so I checked it out through ILL and (with the librarian’s permission) copied the 2 chapters needed for Module 1. It was free to check out and I made copies at church. I know I’ll need it again for the next modules but maybe by then SCM will have permission to print it. If not, I’ll just do the same thing I did this time…..we homeschoolers gotta do what we gotta do. LOL.
Someone pointed out in another thread that Oxford Children’s Ancient History is, as far as she can tell, the exact same book (probably a UK or Australian version). It looks like it, too, is out of print, but Amazon still has a few used copies available…a couple for less than $10. I bought mine this morning. I hope a few of you CM mamas who are still looking will be able to snatch these up before they disappear.