Newbie to CM

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  • kimhuff5

    I am new to CM, I have been researching and reading everything I can for the past couple of months, however our budget is very tight and I don’t want to purchase things that will go to waste or aren’t smart purchases. I have 3 children that I  homeschool, plus a baby and an older child, so I need some help with planning. I have a bunch of living books already, but I can’t figure out how to put it all together to make it a schedule. For instance what should we read and when. The ages for the children are 9, 7, and 4. I would love some suggestions. I have recently started slowly incorporating CM into our days by nature study and Narration. I would like to have a set plan and booklist completed soon, so I can purchase a little bit each month for the next few months. Thank you so much for any advice 🙂


    Have you seen the curriculum guide?  That might give a starting place.  Also, don’t forget your local library!  No need to buy the book if you can get it through your library, or an inter-library loan.  I get many of my books this way.

    Participant  I don’t know why it copied the link wrong.  Here is the link for the curriculum guide.


    If you can get the book Planning Your CM Education from SCM, it will help you figure out and plan your schedule using the books you already have.


    Welcome!  Sounds like you’re off to a great start:) I highly recommend Planning Your CM Education sold here. It simply explains all the CM-style subjects and how to implement, with many different schedule samples and breakdowns of how to schedule books. Very helpful and worth it! I also love the History/Geography/Bible handbooks…very inexpensive and I love having my days planned out. But if you have books for these subjects already, it probably wouldn’t be worth it for you.

    I wouldn’t worry much about the 4yo…mainly outdoor time and read alouds.  There are many ways to schedule…the Planning book is really helpful to get ideas. If it were me, I’d have the 9 and 7 yo’s doing something like a lit. book each day, maybe a history reading 3x/week, science reading 2x/week, nature study 1x/week, bible/character daily, geography 1x/week, the arts/poetry 1x/week ea., copywork/dictation most days, math daily (we like Math-U-See, very CM-friendly).  Hope that wasn’t confusing! Lessons are short, so it sounds like more than it is…days aren’t long:)  HTH some, Gina


    Thank you so much to everyone, this was a lot of help, I’m off to read more 🙂 btw, momto2blessings, i think youi have a blog I read, I’m going to go check it out, if not I’ve seen you before somewhere 🙂 

    Thanks again, I would also love to know how long you all have been teaching/living the CM way and how it’s working for your families? 


    It happens very often when I read a blog, and then later discover they are on this forum!  Smile

    I’ve been “officially” homeschooling for 6 years this July.  We were Charlotte Mason with some unit studies for the first year, even though I had never even heard of Charlotte Mason.  Someone asked how I schooled my son, and when I explained, she said, “Oh, so you are Charlotte Mason styled.”  I went home an googled “Charlotte Mason” and came across this site, and I’ve been here ever since! 

    I have a 10 yo, 7yo, 5yo, 3yo, and a baby due this June.  This method works great for us, and I love the way the kids flourish using it. 



    And if you are too tight to get the planning your CM education dvd now, here is a link to the blog where they give an overview of what was covered in the DVD.  Laughing


    That’s great to hear Laura, We have kids similar in age, can I ask you, do you use the booklist/schedule that they have on SCM, or AO, or have you planned your own? 


    Do you have all the books planning, all day seminar, and books and things DVD’s? do you find them a big help?


    I mix and match.  I use mostly SCM to plan.  I use AO’s science and literature picks currently for my oldest, because he’s very advanced, and AO seems to have more books choices on his level.  Somethings I have come across, either through people suggesting it or an internet search, and used those things instead of something suggested by SCM or AO.

    I used the free schedules here to plan our term days, and tweaked where I needed to.  ( Sometimes it wasn’t as heavy on a subject that I needed, and so I would add in more of that subject, or sometimes they were too heavy on a subject than I needed, and I would cut it down to so many times per week – but the schedules gave me a jumping point to work out my own schedule.)

    I have All Day CM Seminar, Books and Things and Planning your CM schedule, HEaring,Reading,Telling and Writing, Language Arts the CM way,  and Laying Down the Rails Book. I’ve collected them over the years, and love them all, but when I started, I didn’t have any of them.  Between the blog posts, the free resources here, and picking everyone’s brain on the forum, I was able to get by without much of a problem.  That said, I watch and rewatch all the DVD’s several times during the year as a refresher course and find it helpful, and there is always something new that I learn from them.




    Thanks, This has been a lot of help and hopefully I can get a few of the DVD’s soon 🙂 


    Just an encouragement to you – the DVD’s are a tremendous help! The All Day Seminar is my favorite and helped me to understand the methods involved so much better. And I have heard wonderful things about ‘Planning your CM Education’, too. We just started using more of the SCM resources this past year and the kids are really growing and loving school so much. I would say that you are off to a great start with lots of living books, so don’t stress too hard about the plan :0). Blessings to you on the journey!


    Wish I could make the time and be computer savvy enough to blog…..must have been someone else:) I do get on the Well Trained Mind Forums occasionally. But mostly I hang out here….it’s a great place to be!


    Thank you to everybody. I feel a lot better now and even though I haven’t purchased anything yet I have started a plan. Now for the fun part of putting everything together 🙂 

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