Ideas for Church Library

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  • butterflylake

    My husband and I have just recently been put in charge of our church library. The library is a nice size room, but sadly underused by our congregation. I’d like to see resources that appeal to a variety of ages, but thought I’d start by asking here – what books, authors, audio/video would you want in your church library? Fiction or non-fiction. Many of the books in the children/youth sections are from years (decades) ago. Many of those are great and worth keeping, but we need to bring in more recent materials too.
    Looking forward to your ideas!


    Mark Gungor for the adults.


    I like Lisa Terkeurst’s books.  It seems like Christian fiction for women was most often checked out in our previous church’s library.  They had tons of Amish fiction and it was often checked out.

    For kids, I think some classics like The Bronze Bow or Narnia would be good choices.  There are so few good Christian books in our public libraries!  The True Story of Noah’s Ark or Life in the Great Ice Age would be good as well.  Paul Maier has some nice picture books called The First Christmas, The First Easter, The First Christians.

    The problem I see with Church libraries is how few people take advantage of them!  My DC and some of the older ladies were the only ones I ever saw checking out books.  🙁  That could be partly because the materials were so dated…They never added new children’s books and most of their videos were still VHS.  Our church did make an announcement in the bulletins whenever they added new books and I thought that was a good idea.


    Books by Max Lucado, Janette Oak, and Karen Kingsbury were often checked out of our Church Library.


    Thanks for the ideas. We’ll be diving in this week. I found that several boxes of books, DVDs, etc have been donated and not sorted or entered into the system. Likely many are not worth keeping, but we still need to deal with them.
    Looking forward to bringing this library up to date and making it a place full of needed resources.


    Also good are missionary bios such as those in the Trailblazers and YWAM series.


    For adults: Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud.  I have lots of books and when I have fleeting thoughts of giving them all away (you book lovers know how it is!) that is one I want to hold onto.  For a church, I think it is especially important to have/grow into healthy relationships, and this book really helped me deal with some issues I had from my past and grow.  I actually went to a regular family doctor several years ago because I couldn’t figure out what was wrong – I felt depressed and thought maybe I needed a blood test, that my iron was low.  Well, the doc actually prescribed me this book!  Can you imagine that?  8 years later and my husband is now reading it, and realizing many things about himself.  He’s always had trust issues with God and reading the Bible, but this is helping him make sense of things and really directing him towards God.  I probably sound like this is a cure-all book or something, but I enjoy lots of books.  This is just one that would be at the top of my list if I was in charge of a church library.

    How big is your church?  There are so many books I would add to a library if I had the funds!  For children, the Child’s Story Bible by Vos and The Jesus Storybook Bible by Lloyd-Jones are both well-loved around here.  And the Christian Liberty Nature readers are good for science and animal lovers.


    Some of my favorite authors that would go well in a church library are Lauraine Snelling, Janette Oake and Francine Rivers. Also the book; In His Steps.

    For kids, books about missionaries would be great.  I would search the books for sale at CBD for more ideas.


    Our church library has the usual assortment of meaty fiction and fluffy fiction; the usual assortment of “mom” books; and some older children’s books.  I esp. like the older children’s books because they are not available at our town library.

    Also, our library has good Christian family movies (as well as some that are just for mom and dad or older teens) —  we really appreciate those because we don’t have cable or Netflix or Hulu or Amazon Prime or any of those kinds of services.  So being able to borrow the occasional movie to watch as a family is just fun (and cheaper than buying!).


    What about recordings of conferences?  AIG videos, etc.  I’m our church’s librarian and audio resources are checked out a lot because people can listen  in the car.


    Here’s some suggestions for kids:

    Sammy and His Shepherd, Susan Hunt

    Long Story Short, Marty Machowski

    Old Story New, Marty Machowski

    The Gospel Story Bible, Marty Machowski

    The Big Picture Story Bible, David Helm

    The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos

    The Donkey Who Carried a King, RC Sproul

    The Prince’s Poison Cup, RC Sproul

    The Priest With Dirty Clothes, RC Sproul

    The King Without a Shadow, RC Sproul

    Children’s Stories, DL Moody

    Big Thoughts for Little People, Kenneth Taylor

    Lightlings, RC Sproul

    God’s Word (Making Him Known), Sally Michael

    Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress, Oliver Hunkin


    You Can Change, Tim Chester

    50 People Every Christian Should Know, Warren Wiersbe

    Safe in the Arms of God, John MacArthur

    The Excellent Wife, Martha Peace

    Love that Lasts: When Marriage Meets Grace, Gary and Betsy Ricucci

    The Peacemaker, Ken Sande

    Becoming a Titus 2 Woman, Martha Peace

    To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson, Courtney Anderson

    My Heart in His Hands: Ann Judson of Burma, Sharon James

    Dorie: The Girl Who Nobody Loved, Erwin W Lutzer and Doris Vanstone

    Hinds Feet on High Places, Hannah Hurnard

    Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother, Carolyn Mahaney

    What Did You Expect: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage, Paul David Tripp

    Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands, Paul David Tripp

    God’s Priorities for Today’s Women, Lisa Hughes

    Humility: True Greatness, CJ Mahaney

    The Exemplary Husband, Stuart Scott

    Fool’s Gold?: Discerning Truth in an Age of Error, John MacArthur

    A Tale of Two Sons, John MacArthur

    Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong, John MacArthur

    The Truth War, John MacArthur

    Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Husband Needs to Know, CJ Mahaney

    Don’t Waste Your Life, John Piper

    The Gospel According to Jesus, John MacArthur

    Making Sense of Who God Is, Wayne Grudem (This has 7 parts)

    Lies Women Believe, Nancy Leigh DeMoss

    Let me know if you have any questions about any of these…these are just a few off of our book shelves. 😉



    What Did you Expect?, Parenting, Forever, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (all available on Paul David Tripp website)

    The Priest With Dirty Clothes, The Attributes of God (by Steve Lawson), Suffering and the Sovereignty of God (by RC Sproul) (all available at Ligonier


    I would add How to Study the Bible by Richard Mayhue. I’ve tried to share this list all morning and I am having trouble, but I wanted to include this book as well.


    I would suggest the Millers series of children’s books by Mildred A. Martin, such as Wisdom and the Millers, Prudence and the Millers, Storytime with the Millers, Missionary Stories with the Millers…..

    You could let people know that these are great family read-alouds for character building and good readers for the younger kids.


    Another suggestion…Are you a member of Library and Ed?  They have very inexpensive books and cater to churches, libraries, schools, and homeschoolers.   I’ve ordered lots of books and DVDs from them.  They also have audio CDs.

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