Is there anyone else who does not want to be in the upper years yet?? All of a sudden the fun and peace of homeschooling seems out the window! We have to worry about keeping grades, transcripts and making sure we are studying all the “right” things. Ugh. My first child coming into the high school years is my lazy student, who I have to keep watch over constantly. I want to enjoy these last years with him, but it all seems too hard! I feel like I am out of my league. I want to just do family nature walks and pick up library books and just call that school again…oh the memories!
Am I alone?
Any advice or encouragement?
If u were to pick a high school curriculum to do “as is” for peace of mind…which one would u pick?
I understand your concern but take a deep breath and enjoy. I have my 1st oldest entering 9th this year also. Don’t panic. A couple things I would say are this: continue with what ever math you are doing – that seems easy enough. And the subjects that can just continue to flow – science, grammar, history etc. Then add in some more geared above the norm studies. For us this year it will be economics, Fine arts, and 3 CLEP tests. We also consulted a woman in our area who helps families make the most of the 4 years based on what their child’s interests are. This was so worth the money.
Following the SCM guide is a very easy and doable way to continue. I hope just some random thoughts helps you get started. If you have more specific questions ask, as others might be able to offer more suggestions.
My oldest will be graduating from highschool next year and I have to say, it has been just as delightful as the younger years. It is a great joy to watch them fly! This series may be helpful to you.
I don’t know of any “as is” curriculum I would buy except Math and even that we’ll probably have to supplement in some way (khan academy, outside help when mom can’t help anymore!). Maybe our grammar and logic material will be “as is” but everything else will CM in approach, which may mean tweaking it some. We have always done some type of Picture study, but like Misty, I plan to make it more, much more, than we have done. I think it has been fine the way it has for his interest level, but not credit worthy, that’s for sure. It’s should be fun and worth the effort. Eventually, foreign lang. needs to be a bit more to be credit worthy but we’ll get it there.
I’m feeling a bit out of my league also as we have started CM a bit late (w/ him anyway). We have so many great books to cover and CM suggested subjects that I feel we’ve only scratched the surface on and only 4 years to get in what I’d like, plus spend good quality time w/ him.
So, yes, I know how you feel. But, it has been a great experience with my oldest; he’s turning into a fine young man and I’m excited to see who he’s going to become in the next 4 years. With specifically chosen material, great discussions, hands-on projects (hopefully), a higher level of maturity (hopefully), the Lord’s leading, we should have a great high school experience. That’s my hope, anyway.
We are starting Middle school this year so I am starting to think and worry about it too!
My main worry is that by than I will also have a 1st, 3rd and 7th grader.
It seems overwhelming to me.
I am also thinking about a pack and go curriculum but from the people I know who have used the online ones some kids like it, others hate it, not too reassuring.
I like the idea of the grades being all recorded for me but just not sure about the approach. I will need to research more…
I have more time to explain my one liner today. ;0)
The only times we’ve purchased open & go curriculum, I’ve ended up having to alter it for one reason or another.
For highschool math we’ve used either Saxon with DIVE DVDs, or Harold Jacob’s courses with Dr. Callahan’s DVDs. And, we use IEW for writing curriculum at this level until they have the hang of it and go it alone.
The rest of their “curriculum” has been mostly books and/or lectures and research based on outlines for “courses of study.”
Our youngest two have the benefit of all the trial and error I went through with their older siblings. The best thing I’ve done in terms of planning for the highschool years was to glean all the excellent planning information from SCM resources and this forum. The Modules are quite open & go when you gather the books needed. But, the best part of the planning was to get the 12 year plan written down for our youngest and 6 year plan for the one above her.
I don’t stress over missing things as I took the time to write it all out down to field trips I don’t want them to miss, movies that are musts for history/science, and tickets to the symphony during their “junior” year. I just look at what’s coming down the road for the next year and gather the books. Takes the pressure off. Eliminates the constant planning searching mode. Okay, yes, I still follow rabbit trails, but that’s a hobby, not a need to do kind of thing. ;0)
I do feel that the suggestions on the Free Curriculum page are solid. To me, it’s an open & go curriculum. It may not all come from one source, but it’s a great “gather these and go” list.
Highschool does have its own set of challenges, but it’s fun to watch the kids begin to take ownership and become the person He intends them to become. Don’t be afraid. Think back to when they were younger. There were all sorts of challenges that could be intimidating. You’ve made it through those. You’ll make it through this, too.
I’m with you. My oldest will be in 8th grade this year and I am hopIng tonusecthecyear to try and be a little more organized and to try to get him to do more of his own reading.
High schoolers are really just like your primary schoolers, except they get taller, eat a LOT more and want to have deep meaningful discussions at 11pm. They do often become resistant to making macaroni collages and singing kids songs, giving narrations with puppets or re-enacting a Pilgrim dinner. BUT they make up for it by asking challenging questions, really, really needing you to talk to as they make sense of the world, and becoming amazing people. You start to see some of the fruits of all that work you’ve put in. Don’t be afraid of these years; embrace them. You can still read to them (I am reading the Three Musketeers to my teen bunch right now.) And you can still do nature walks. But you don’t have to worry about your teen walking off into traffic or falling into the pond. 🙂
One BIG benefit–your teen is becoming old enough to have some input. What does SHE want to do? What does she want to learn? Soon she’ll be the driver of her own life’s car—time to let her get some practice driving in.
Good advice so far, and I very much agree with Bookworm that in many ways high school is not much different than primary. We just kept progressing and moving forward as they became able to do more, and it wasn’t scary to me as it happened in those small increments, although thinking about it gave me a heart attack before we even got that far. 😉 When the math got above my head we got an online tutor, and I encouraged more independance as we moved along. My kiddo had no problem adjusting to college work~ he is in honor society and doing well.
The main difference I worried about was record keeping, and quite frankly I did a poor job of it the years my older sons were in high school. One son didnt go to college- so it wasn’t an issue. My other son did go to community college and the only requirement was checking off the box on the application that he was a high school graduate. SO, depending on the laws in your state and where your children are going to college, even that most intimidating of things- Record Keeping may not be a big deal. Do check or local laws though, just to make sure what is required.
As far as open and go curriculum, I haven’t seen one I could use as-is since I started 20 yrs ago. LOL The SCM guide is a good place to start though.
You gals are great!!! I am feeling much better today. Thank you so much for your advice, wisdom & for making me laugh! I haven’t finalized any decisions yet as for what we are going to do, but I am beginning to feel peace about doing it. My main concern has been the record keeping. What is funny is I started thinking that it might not be as important as I am making it out to be. I can tell you now, although he is interested in furthering his education, I don’t expect him to go to harvard! I am not even so sure that he will enroll in our community college at this point. He is just not a “school” type, although he loves to learn, he doesn’t love the assignments. Maybe in time things will change. I think if I make sure to keep track of things we have done, we will be able to work it out when the times comes.
Thanks so much to all of you!
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