I’ve had it on my to-do list for a LONG time to come up with some living books for Jewish history, literature, etc. We attend a Messianic congregation and would like to add this dimension to our homeschool study.
Thanks for being willing to share what you’ve found!
I would like your resources as well. Church history in living book lists do not include the Jewish history happening at the same time after the bible history.
I am jumping for joy reading this thread! Can you send me this information as well? I know this thread is old. But we have been keeping Torah to the best of our abilities for 6 years. It’s our 7th round of feasts.i would love to include your lists of living history into our curriculum an school.
my email is heatherrobbins09@gmail.com
I have been so blessed by all the information you have shared on this thread and also another one I found you commented on. Thank you so much for all the time you took to share with us. I would love, love, love to have you email me the book list (and any other lists you gave). I’m trying to figure out how to tweak our homeschool curriculum to teach more from an eastern Hebraic view vs the western Greek thought that is so ingrained in our culture. I hope that you’ll get this message seeing how this thread is so old.