Hands-On Activities Question

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  • MomOfFab4

    I was looking through the sample guide that can be purchased and it mentions in the “How To Use” about hands-on activities.  I didn’t see those anywhere in the sample download which I think went through Week 7. Are they omitted since it is a sample or do they come later in the year/terms?


    Alicia Hart

    Are you talking about the history modules?


    I don’t think that is what they are called.  I am talking about the Daily Lesson Plan books you can buy for each part of history.  They are $15.95 for the printed book or $10.95 for the ebook.  I downloaded the free sample and it has the contents for all 3 terms or 60 lessons for each term.

    On one of the intro or how to use pages, it talks about hands-on activiites being included in the daily lesson plans but I didn’t see any in the free sample.  I am just wondering if I didn’t go far enough to see them or if they are just eliminated from the free sample. 

    My kids and I love the reading/narration style of teaching but we also love hands-on activities and I will be disappointed if they are not in the purchased version.



    Here is a link to the book I want to buy: http://simplycharlottemason.com/store/middle-ages-renaissance-reformation-epistles/


    Here is the description of the book:

    This fourth study in our six-book history series walks you through the famous men of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation, including the geography of Europe and Asia, as well as several Epistles. Its daily lesson plans are Charlotte Mason in style and designed to teach all your children together for history, geography, and Bible. (Grades 1–12)


    Here is the page for the hands on activities


    It is under the “Links and Tips” tab on the page where you purchase the book.


    All the Bible, History, and Geography guides are known as the History Modules. Using these terms can save you lots of typing and potential confusion. 😉 All the Modules will have a similar link on the store page to their hands-on activities. Here is a list so that it is less difficult to get help from any of us, LOL!  

    Module 1 = Genesis through Dueteronomy & Ancient Egypt 

    Module 2 = Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece

    Module 3 = Matthew through Ants & Ancient Rome

    Module 4 = Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles

    Module 5 = Early Modern History & Epistles

    Module 6 = Modern Times & Epistles, Revelations

    Hope this helps!  Smile


    Thank you to both.  Thanks for clearing that up.


    Here is what is inside the sample Daily Lesson Plan book that I downloaded earlier today.

    The lessons in this book will walk you through living books to read, Scripture passages to study, and optional
    hands-on activities to do. You’ll also find narration ideas, teaching tips, exam questions, and Book of Centuries

    So even though there are ideas on the link shared above, the above paragraph reads in way that I would expect hands-on activities to be included in the Daily Lesson Plan book.



    Cheri, I’ve used or am using all of the modules. There aren’t lots of hands on activities. Each has the linked list as mentioned above. Mod. 1 has a poster/listing project scheduled within the term, but often it’s during the 12th week of a term that it gives time to choose your project. That said, it’s easy enough to pencil in if you want more projects. Personally, I like simplicity, but more is easy enough to add to the printed book.

    You might like the Hands and Hearts history kits for ideas.


    Ok.  Thanks for all of your help.  That makes my decision even easier now.  If I want more hands-on, that is what Pinterest is for, isn’t it?  Wink

    We started 11 years ago with this approach and strayed away partly from it.  I am very excited to get back to this way of learning.  The kids (and especially mommy) have missed it!


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