Favourite Audible literature


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  • Carla

    I have a child who, due to a learning disability, needs to listen to some of his literature selections.  I’m thinking of joining Audible and I’m wondering if any of you who have used Audible have any books that you have found done particularly well by the readers/narrators. I’ve gotten some books on CD over the years with terrific readers and I’m hoping this will be another good  source for stories.

    I’m looking at a middle school/early high school range particularly, but feel free to give suggestions across the board.


    I’m not a member of Audible.  We do buy Jim Weiss audio books, because they are do well done.  Otherwise I use Librivox.  Some Librivox recordings we’ve enjoyed:

    -Wizard of Oz
    -Alice in Wonderland
    -Huckleberry Finn
    -This Country of Ours
    -Blue Fairy Book


    If you have a diagnosis, you might be able to use Learning Ally.  It has tons of books on audio — some with words to follow along, some even with the pictures from the book.  The voices are human readers.  Susan Barton (of Barton Reading and Spelling Program) referred us to Learning Ally because we’re using her program for my dyslexic daughter.

    Also, your library might have some books on audio CD.  Librivox was a great suggestion also.


    Oh.  To answer your question (*I’m sorry!*), we enjoyed listening to the Doll Story books – by Ann Martin.  The Green Ember series by S.D. Smith.

    Also, your local library might loan you “digital” audio books thru OverDrive or a similar app-thing.

    And http://libraryanded.com often has fabulous sales on audios…..usually Focus on the Family Radio Theater, Your Story Hour, Boxcar Children, and christian books.


    Thank you so much.  We’ve loved Jim Weiss, too (he is currently listening to Carry On Mr. Bowditch).


    We’re definitely using the library and pursuing Librivox as well.  No official diagnoses (yet) but we are in Canada, so we have access to different services.


    Thanks again!

    Rachel White

    Ah, Canada! I was curious as to why you spelled favorite with British spelling.

    Kelly Bond

    Hello Carla!
    I have a post on my blog with our favorite audiobooks as well as the specific narrators we like.

    God bless you!


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