CMO Wishlist: Subject Order


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  • cdm2kk

    For me, I would like to be able to prioritze the subjects : Bible, Literature, Language arts etc…but based on Family, student1, student2 not neccessarily each resource. So I can have it look like this on the screen if I want:

    Family Bible

    Student 1 Bible

    Student 2 Bible

    Family Character Study

    Famly  Geography

    Family History

    Family Literature

    Student 1 Math

    Student 2 Math

    Student 2 Language Arts

    Student 2 Literature

    Family Science

    Family Fine arts

    Student 1 Language Arts

    Student 1 Literature

    Family Physical Fitness

    this is what I would like…… then each resource to print under each grouping it has been saved as in any order.


    Do not know if this is a possibility or not.  Then what would show for each day would depend if that resource is scheduled for that day or not. and if there is no subject scheduled for a particular day then it wouldn’t show up either. 


    This is what I would like and probably wouldn’t help other people. I work from home in addition to home schooling and I need to schedule fairly rigid to keep choas to a minimum around here. Long for the days where I could teach whatever I feel like whenever I feel like. I’m sure kids do too. Tongue out Just thrilled that you guys are considering it and seeing if it is a possibility.Wink



    Any news on this feature?

    Jordan Smith

    We’re working on some other features right now. This one is still on our radar but we haven’t put it on the schedule to be worked on yet.


    Oh, please, please SCM! I check back on the wishlist and this thread topic every so often fervently hoping there is a development in the works. Seriously, this is the ONLY reason I don’t buy the organizer. No pressure. (Lie.) Haha!


    Any progress or news? We can drag & drop to order assignments within a resource, it would be cool to organize the resources themselves like this. Because I really want an excuse to resubscribe … 🙂

    Jordan Smith

    We think that’d be cool, too! We’re continuing to think about how to let you reorder your subjects while still keeping the CM Organizer flexible and simple to use. There are some other things that we’re working on right now, but reordering subjects is still a high priority.


    I hope it is soon, because that would make the organizer pretty close to perfect. 😀

    Doug Smith

    Unfortunately, I can pretty much say it won’t be really soon, as much as we all want it too.

    We’ve been trying to do a big feature, then fit in a bunch of smaller things, then another bigger thing, and so on. That way the big, time consuming features don’t stop us from getting some of the great smaller things done. We’re currently working on some larger items and that is going to take up a large chunk of our development time for a few more months.


    Just adding my voice to those who say this would be a very helpful feature!


    (How are the other updates coming along?)

    Jordan Smith

    (How are the other updates coming along?)

    We’re working on updates and improvements all the time. There’s a section on the front page of the Organizer listing the last five updates. Since Doug’s post in October, we’ve added a few smaller new features and a number of behind-the-scenes updates for improved speed and security. And we’re continuing to work on more improvements and features for future updates.

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