Classical Eclectic Approach to a more CM Style of History

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  • Johnica Aherrera

    Hello.  We have been doing our history studies with an eclectic mix of Classical, Waldorf blocks and some living books approach with narration in Ancient History and was wondering how SCM approaches just History as I noticed the Lesson Plan book bundles history studies with geography and bible.  Although we do include Geography and Bible, the plans in Middle Ages don’t match our Geographic area of study and same with our Bible progression.  Is there a way to just get the Lesson Plan on the history component only?  We actively use Narration currently and because of my son’s age, we are slowly transitioning to a written work possibly using Writing & Rhetoric.  Just wanted to get a feel of how history is presented as this is my son’s favorite subject but I wouldn’t want the overwhelm of written output in history per se because he is still in the foundational levels of writing.  Suggestions from the group are most welcome, esp to those who have special needs children.

    Karen Smith

    The lesson plans books for history, geography, and Bible include lessons for all three subject. The history portion is not sold separately. Some moms use the lesson plans for just the history portion. They just skip the geography and Bible lessons. For Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, & Epistles, geography and Bible are scheduled once a week each. You can view a sample of the lesson plans to see how the lessons are laid out (there is a Download a Free Sample link above the Add to Cart button).

    If you decide to use the lesson plans for history, you will want to get all of the materials for Family and then all of the books for whichever grade level is appropriate for your child. It is okay to go up or down a grade level group to meet the needs of your unique child.

    Johnica Aherrera

    Noted do you have the PDF Lesson plans available in Canada?

    Karen Smith

    The ebook/PDF versions are only available through SCM’s website. We do have a few distributors in Canada who sell the printed books. We ship to Canada too but the shipping costs and possible import/customs fees can be expensive.

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